Wilson's Story

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It was so cold that night and it's hard for me to think of. I don't remember much as my mind is filled with darkness. Staring up at the stars in my make-shift, pathetic excuse for a shelter, I think about that day now. I wish I never listened to that radio. I wished I never pulled the lever. Now I am here, alone, with only the thoughts I can still manage to hold on to. I had grow up and lived a normal life. I was always a bright kid and I always had a love for science. I would find myself day in and day out "experimenting" with the elements of life. I loved the darkness of it most of all. The looming, eerie secrets the world so desperately hid from all our eyes. I wanted knowledge of it all. I had created many things already. Sadly, I was a fail in the science community. No one knew my name. I was a no body. Lost in the creaking boards of my cabin. That is, until the day I heard that stupid voice on the radio. How I hate that voice. It was midnight, I remember that now. First it came on as nothing but static, which caught my attention. I watched it as the static turned to clicks. Then into a loud shriek. I could've sworn someone was trying to reach me from the other side of the vail.
"Say pal," it finally spoke up with a voice thick and soothe. Something about the voice made me forget how wrong the whole situation was. I ran and picked up the machine.
"Would you like some forbidden knowledge?" He asked. I should've said no. I should've plugged my ears. His voice was so reassuring, so calm. Something inside of me begged to follow its commands. To obey every wish that was ever release from its lips. I nodded. I should've said no. The voice began to whisper some incantation. The words seemed to leak out of the radio and fill the room around me. Pictures, calculations, everything piece of knowledge that my heart had ever wished for was entering me at that one moment. I have never felt more joy in my entire life then I had at that moment. I could feel something in me light up, but it was short lived. As my mind raced with the blueprints for what I now know to be a portal, I was filled with suspense. The last thing I remember is picking up a hammer then everything went black. I don't know if it is because of the inky, black darkness that prevents me from seeing into past. The next thing I remember is staring up at this monster of machine. My hand was positioned just above the thing's on switch. I could hear the static of the radio on again. It seemed to me for the first time how bad of a situation I was in.
"Do it," the radio screamed. The voice was filled with suspense and anger, but under everything I could hear a silent whisper. I gripped the lever in my hand, now once again filled with the joy that I had earlier. The metal was cold and I pulled the lever down. The radio erupted with laughter as a pair of black hands emerged from the portal. The fear took me over as I made a futile attempt to escape. I grabbed on to my lab table when the hands gripped around my waist. They ripped me off the table and pulled me back into the entrance of the portal. The radio's static abruptly stopped. I could barley hear the hiss of a whisper as I was sucked into the abyss. What the voice said I do not know. I just remember being twisted and pulled down a long hole of darkness. I was alone. It was so cold, but that is to be expected with the darkness. I was pulled into a new state of consciousness. I woke to grass under my back and the soft smell of pine running into my nose. My head was killing me and the world seemed to spin around me. Over all though, I felt that I was going to die of starvation. As my vision began to clear I could make out the figure of a man standing overhead.
"You better find food before the night comes." That voice. That forsaken voice. That voice that haunts my thoughts every single day. I wish I had never followed him. I should have said no. I should have backed away. I glance around my surroundings as I relieve the sickening truth. I knew that this would happen. I knew from the moment I started that this is where I would end up. In some absent-minded way I wanted to be here.
As I sit here thinking back to the faint thread of that day, I shiver. I can't stop thinking of that stupid voice. I can't stop regretting my mistakes. I wished that I never listened. I shouldn't be here. I wish I were dead. I think back to the whisper I heard before my I was sucked into this horrid place. The thin blanket of black that separates me from my memories falters for just a moment. I'm shocked as the words file into my mind. I stare off into the dying embers of the fire. I repeat the words endlessly in my mind trying to find some sense to them. That day and all this time, they had said:
"Forgive me."

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