Insight #2 : By Terri's Side

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Ferris was warned that it looked worse than it was. But he wasn't sure if the medical team were referring to her actual injury or the state she was in now.

She was in a medically induced coma, laid in a metal coffin-esque chamber that had a little window above her face which Ferris was looking down at her through. Tubes ran through the walls of the chamber and into machines that hung on the back wall.

He'd not seen anything like it but since Terri became a member of The Enhanced Beings Collective, steps were taken by the Government to develop technology to save the lives of their heroes, adapted to their particular enhancements.

The Secretary softly opened the door to the room and approached the other side of Terri's chamber from Ferris. "You've been in here a couple of hours now, I just wondered if you needed a break? Or a bathroom visit or something to eat I could get you?"

"No, thank you. I'm alright for now." He smiled weakly.

"Have the doctors answered all the questions you have?" she asked him.

"Yeah, but I feel like I need a medical degree just to understand what all of this actually is doing for her. But I do know that the next forty eight hours are critical but she should be ok."

"That's good news. This all looks scary but it's all to help her."

"I know. I just haven't seen anything like it and I never thought I'd see Terri needing it."

"She's strong. Not just in the physical, rock sense. But she's head strong and determined. This won't keep her down," assured The Secretary.

Ferris chuckled to himself. "She's also a bit of a moron for thinking she could take on those five with any other outcome than this. She's too head strong for her own good sometimes." He smiled to show The Secretary that he didn't seriously think of his fiancé as a moron.

She laughed back. "Maybe give it a few days after she's recovered to tell her that."

"Has there been any sign of where the Weather Girls have gone? What are we doing about them?"

"They're... if you excuse the pun, in the wind at the moment. They've been hiding for decades before this, so they won't make it easy to find them. I don't want you to worry about it though. That's a me problem. Terri's what you need to be focussing on now."

"They can't get away with it."

"They won't," she assured before pausing. "In the meantime, we had a mission planned for Do'Lânqwa to go back to Earthgrë for some Krugreycium he needs for repairs and updates to his jet and suit, but he seems to think that if he got enough then we should also be able to create a suit for Terri. Just to protect her more."

"That's... that's a good idea."

"Yeah, but she'll hate it though won't she?" The Secretary said with a knowing glint in her eyes.

"Oh definitely," Ferris said laughing. "She's never been one for a suit. But I can be just as head strong when I need to be. Is Kimona around still? I'd like to thank her for getting to Terri in time."

"She was, but she's left. Something came up and er, Dylan's keeping an eye out on her."

"Fair enough then." Ferris stretched and sighed loudly. "I think I might take that bathroom break. Are you happy to stay until I come back?" he asked, getting up from his chair.

"Take as long as you need. I'll stay with her."

"Thanks Ma'am."

Heroes of The Collective Volume 2 : RegretWhere stories live. Discover now