Chapter 25 - Can't Lose You

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Lisa's POV

F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!!!!

Is it okay to hate your own mom like so much?! Now because of her, Jennie is nowhere to be found. Her phone is off! I braved to even go to their house to check if she's there but her mother, whom I finally met in a not so pleasant situation, told me that she haven't been home for almost 2 days now and that she is with Lisa.

At least she told them the truth that she, in fact, was with me. Her mom was surprised when I told them I am that Lisa.

"I thought she was with you? Did something happen?" Her mom turned worried. How can I tell her that my own mother insulted her daughter that's why she ran away. 🙁

"T-there was a misunderstanding. I'm so sorry. But I would do anything to find her." Mrs. Kim is a kind-looking woman that has the features of Jennie herself. I was afraid she would blame me or hate me but...

"Lisa, promise me you will bring her home safely. I trust you."

I almost cried. She pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kim. I promise."

She asked me to go inside. I hesitated because I have to find Jennie but it would be rude to decline her.

When we are already sitting in their living room, she disappeared for a while to get me something to drink.

She sat right across me when she returned.

"Lisa, you are aware that Jennie is getting married, right?"

I wasn't expecting her question. I looked down and nodded.

"Look at me, dear. I can feel that something has changed about my daughter recently. She has this happiness in her eyes that I haven't seen in a while."

I didn't know what to say. Jennie's mom continued.

"I maybe old but I am not naive. She doesn't love Eunwoo. He is a nice guy and he is very kind to us. I can't see any flaw with him aside from the fact that he can't make my daughter love him."

"I...I don't understand why you're telling me these things ma'am." And that's the truth. I've no idea why she wanted me to know about her daughter's relationship with her fiancé.

"I was outside when you brought her home one time and Eunwoo came near you. I didn't mean to witness everything. But her brother told me that Lisa is going to bring her home. I was curious about who you are."

"I'm sorry if I might've caused any trouble."

" That's not what I'm trying to say here. I observed Jennie's reaction when you left, she had a hard time stopping herself from following you. That's when I realized you're not just an ordinary friend."

"Do you want me to stay away from her?" My tears are about to fall.

Mrs. Kim sat beside me and held both of my hands.

"You know that she loves you, right Lisa?"

I was even more surprised with her question and I was caught off guard. I don't want to cause further problems than I already had.

"She is...engaged." For some reason, that was my response.

"I would support my daughter whatever her decision would be. She had been sacrificing for me and her brother for too long. I want her to be happy with whoever she would choose."

"Mrs. Kim...I love your daughter with all of my heart. Thank you for telling me all of these."

"It wouldn't be easy, Lisa. Eunwoo wouldn't give up that easily. I hope you are ready to fight for my daughter's heart."

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