Chapter 27 - What Are We?

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Jennie's POV

Hoyeon insisted that we hang out in her place for a while before leaving so she can get to know Lisa more. I was hesitant at first but Lisa said it's fine. She called my mom and informed her that we are already together.

She handed the phone over to me. I was quite surprised with what my mom said.

"Jennie, I know you're matured enough to decide what's right. I just want to let you know that I can see how Lisa makes you happy. Choose your happiness this time. Stop prioritizing us. Okay?"


"We will talk once you're home. Don't worry about anything for now and just enjoy your time with Lisa."

I almost cried hearing my own mom say that.

"Thank you, mom. I love you!"

"We love you too, Jennie."

I handed Lisa's phone back and she noticed I'm quite teary.

"What happened, baby?" She asked worriedly.

"N-nothing. I'm just happy."

"Hmmm..come here you cute little thing."

She pulled me to sit right next to her then she intertwined our hands.

"Everything will be fine, Jennie. It might not be easy but I promise you I would always be here for you."

"Thank you for not giving up on me, Lisa. I can't imagine living my life not having you around anymore."

"Me too. We'll face everything together, okay? Let me know if you need me to do something to help you out with your....ahmmm...fiancé."

"L-let me take care of that on my own. Please trust me on that."

"I trust you, Jennie. I'm just scared you would still...choose him over me."

I don't understand why Lisa is still doubting me when I've already proven several times that it's her and it would always be her.

"Sure. Doubt me all you want." I stood up and joined Hoyeon at the kitchen.

I was expecting Lisa would follow me but she didn't. I saw her take out her phone and called someone.

"Hey, everything okay?" Hoyeon might've felt the tension.


"Did you guys have a misunderstanding or something?"

"I don't know with her."

"Jennie, come on. You're the one who left her there."

"She still doubts me, Hoyeon. It always comes down to this. I just can't walk to Eunwoo and say "Hey, I'm not marrying you anymore because I'm in love with someone else."

"I get that. I'm going to just zip my mouth about it so we won't fight." I didn't notice Lisa came near us.

I just glanced at her. I want to understand where she's coming from but I want her to do the same for me.

"Mind if I take a nap, Hoyeon? I feel a little exhausted." She asked Hoyeon although she's kinda glancing at me.

"N-not at all. You can use the guest room."

Hoyeon said she would just bring Lisa to the room.

"I will stay here." It's better if I let her be for now. Lisa was about to say something but she chose not to. She just stared at me for a few seconds...sadness was evident in her eyes.

I sighed as I watch  them leave the kitchen. Why is Lisa being unreasonable? Or is it me that is not doing my part? 😔

Lisa's POV

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