Chapter 37 - End It with a Kiss

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Lisa's POV

Emily suggested this idea of her flirting on me just to see Jennie's reaction. I didn't tell her anything but when she asked what's my relationship with Jennie, I don't know how to deny that she's someone special.

Seeing Jennie jealous gave me a little hope that somehow she still likes me. Although I hate it that Lucas was also all around her tonight. It's his birthday and we are in his place so I can't really kill him, can I?!

Jennie had gotten prettier. But Marcus is right, there's this missing spark in her eyes. I want to bring that back. I want my old Jennie back.

"Let's go baby..." I put my arm on Jennie's shoulders before she leaves me and never to talk to me again. Emily was giggling and giving me that "I told you so" stare.

I thought Jennie would remove my arm but she put her arm on my waist and pulled me closer. I can smell her sweet scent. Lucas was at the door and was eyeing on us. But I don't really care.

We bid our goodbyes and in a few more minutes we're already at the backseat of Charlie's car.

"You girls comfortable there?" He asked before finally starting to drive.

"Yeah. Thank you, Charlie."

I was leaning on Jennie's shoulders. I feel quite dizzy. I really drank too much. I can almost hear Jennie's heartbeat. I'm enjoying this moment with her because God knows how much I miss her.

"Lisa, where are you staying?"

And an idea popped in my mind.

If I would pretend I'm sleeping, would she bring me with her?!

She tapped my hand which is on my lap. I didn't respond still.

"Looks like she has already passed out, Jen. Should I bring her home with me?" That's Charlie.


"Maybe you should." Jennie coldly answered.

My plan is not working. Unfortunately.

Charlie chuckled.

"Try to wake her up. If not you have no choice but to bring her to your place. I've no problems taking her with me but for sure my wife would kill me."

Whew. I almost had a heart attack!

"Lisa...come on, Lisa!" She's shaking me a bit harder this time.

"Hmmmm...." I weakly hummed.

"Where are you staying?"

"In...." My mind is still working fine but my lips aren't.

I can't pronounce my words properly.

"I would suggest you take her with you, Jennie."

My ears are celebrating. LOL!

"Fine. I don't think I really have a choice." She didn't sound irritated though. That made me happy.

After some time, I felt both of them are already helping me out of the car. I really fell asleep. I tried to open my eyes and use my legs properly.

"Careful..." Jennie sounded so concerned.

"Jennie..." I looked into her eyes. I hugged her tight.

"What the heck, Lisa?!" She pushed me quite harshly. Good thing I was able to keep my balance.

"Sorry..." I whispered. "And d-don't worry, I'll take a cab from here."

I suddenly feel scared to be alone with her. My brain cells kinda started working.

"Charlie, I guess we're good. You can leave. Thank you again." The guy is looking at us and maybe checking if he should really leave us or not yet.

"Yeah. Thank you." I bowed at him.

"Okay! If you girls can manage from here, I'll leave you then. Have a good night! Nice meeting you, Lisa." He genuinely smiled to me and Jennie before going back to his car.

"Let's go, Lisa." Jennie was a few steps ahead of me.

"I...I will go back to my hotel."

"It's pretty late. Just stay at my place."

"N-no. I'm fine. I will—"

"I don't get you, Lisa. Trying to act tough when you can hardly manage to stand straight. You're drunk. But if you would insist of going back to your hotel, then by all means."

She continued walking away from me.

Who am I kidding? She's right.


She returned to where I'm at and put my arm on her shoulders again. I felt her arm supporting me at my back.

Me and my emotional ass.

Jennie's POV

We're not saying anything as we I lead Lisa to my apartment. How would this night go? I don't have any idea. Should I let her sleep on the couch or beside me on my bed?

I helped Lisa settle on the couch at the living room. She leaned her head backwards and closed her eyes.

"I can just sleep here, Jennie. I will leave first thing in the morning. I'm sorry for the trouble."

"It might get pretty cold in here. Y-you can stay with me in my room." Although the thought made me nervous.

"You sure?"

I am not actually. I tried so hard these past few months to not think about her. She's one of the reasons I decided to leave Korea and now she's here.

"Jennie, it's okay. I can stay here. Just lend me a blanket and a pillow. I'll be fine."

Maybe she saw my hesitation.

"O-okay. Just wait here. I'll bring you some clothes, too. Just change in the bathroom. I have a spare towel and whatever you might need in there if you'd like to take a shower."

I left her and didn't wait for any more response. Just a little more and I can't help myself from throwing myself to her to be honest. No matter how much I try to deny it, I still care about her. I still love her.

When I came back, she's already sleeping. Her face looks so calm. Lisa has the prettiest face I've ever seen. I kneeled beside the couch and put the blanket and carefully lifted her head so I can put the pillow.

I stayed in that position while staring at her. I miss her. I miss her so bad.

I wasn't able to control myself. I leaned to kiss her forehead. I thought that'd be enough but she's drawing me in. I kissed her soft cheeks. Just a gentle one so I won't wake her up.

I thought that was enough. But her lips.. which is partly open looks so inviting. What the hell am I thinking?!

Her face is so close to mine. I can feel her breath. I shook my head and was about to stand up when I felt her hand on my nape. Lisa pulled me close and kissed me.

I didn't resist. Truth is, I didn't want to.

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