Ch.6 Lurk

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-Your pov

I could feel all eyes on me as I walked into the classroom. The temptation to leave was lurking in the back of my mind, but I sat down anyway. I almost broke in front of everyone during lunch, I can't break down here either. The class filled up with students quickly before the chemistry teacher walked in and started writing letters and digits on the board. My mind refused to absorb any of the information the teacher was presenting. I couldn't get myself to even write the notes down. All I really wanted was for class- no school to be done so that I could go home. It felt like the hour was slowing down just to torture me. I couldn't decide what I felt more. Anxious or bored. I was more focused on the chaos in my mind that I didn't even hear the bell ring. I rushed out of the class once I snapped out of it and immediately ran to my locker only to pause as soon as I opened it. A familiar folded note with the same red smiley face. I grabbed the note and stuck it in my bag before going to algebra.

-Helen pov

I knelt down to pick up my books from the floor. My eyes watched Gage and his friends make their way towards the doors. I sighed and packed my bag. I thought I could sneak out without Y/n finding me.     She found me  as usual.

"When are you gonna learn that I'm stubborn and not going to let you walk home alone again?" She said while trying to smile. I could tell that she's still hurt and is walking home with me more for the comfort that she needs, and I'm glad to do so.  Even though I don't really want to. It'll just feed my obsession with her.

"I still think that you need to stay away from me. That you need to hate me." I said before I noticed that we were getting close to her house. I came up with an idea as soon as we reached it.

"I have a plan." I stated. She looked at me relatively confused.

"What are you talking about?"She asked before I looked at her. Part of me could tell that Y/n wasn't really going to like what I had in mind.

"Monday at lunch, I try and sit next to you. When I do, you push me away and I'll fall off the seat and make my tray dump everything on me. You tell me to leave you alone and never talk to you again. Then I'll go away. When everyone sees and hears, they'll believe it and no one will pick on you anymore." I explained before she immediately shook her head.

"I'm not going to do that to you Helen. I'll never forgive myself for doing such a thing to you." She said before tears fell from her eyes. She lunged at me and wrapped her arms around me tightly.

"You are the only friend I have in that whole dam school, Helen." Y/n finished between sobbing breaths. I held her close and kissed the top of her head, trying to comfort her. She has no idea what she is doing to me just by simply being my friend. She is feeding the shadows in me. I fear that being her friend will one day not be enough for them.

-Your pov

I let go of Helen and harshly wiped away my tears.

"I'll wash your jacket and return it to you Monday. It's the least I can do." I said. Helen smiled and started to walk away.

"Helen " I called out before he paused and looked back at me.

"Thanks again. It really means a lot." I finished. He smiled more and nodded his head before walking away. I smiled before walking inside. I took the jacket off and immediately put it in the washer before changing clothes. Today started shitty, but in the end it was a good day. I did my homework and texted my other friends for a while. It was when I took out my notebook to study when I remembered the note in my locker. I grabbed it and looked for a name. Of course, it was still just the smiley face on the outside. I sighed before opening it. That's when I felt chills rushing down my spine.

It always seems like there's nothing lurking in the dark. That's what the shadows want you to think.        Run.

Writing in Red Ink (Bloody Painter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now