Ch.10 Fire and Stone

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-Your pov

I finished wiping all the eggs off of my locker. The bullying has been so consistent to the point where I've almost gone numb to it. Helen hates that it's happening to me. He still prefers that it only happens to him, but he's my friend and we'll get through this together. The semester is pretty much done anyway. I grabbed my literature book and walked into class. I sat down and was about to open it to review before the test, but then I paused halfway through. A piece of paper was sticking out of it. I rolled my eyes while taking it out and assumed that it was from one of my classmates. My heart started racing when I saw the red smile on the note. I don't know if I even wanted to read what it had to say, but I flipped it over anyway.

You don't know what you are doing to me. The fire you ignited in my heart keeps me warm, it also gives me unbearable pain knowing I don't have you. I just don't understand. Reassuring to threatening. And now suddenly they are turning obsessed. Why is the killer doing this? Why are they obsessed with me? The only saving grace that came to mind was that Christmas break starts tomorrow. I won't be seeing these notes for a few weeks. The thought was a little reassuring and helped me focus a little more on classes. I've managed to get my grades back up and I plan to keep it that way. I'm not getting held back a grade and staying here for another dam year. It felt like things will be going a little faster today with finals. I just couldn't decide which test was going to be harder, algebra or chemistry. Maybe both. The english final felt almost too easy to the point I questioned if I had the answers right. History wasn't really a big deal since the test was just a copy of the study guide. Mr. Lowe always does it since he doesn't remember history himself. Everything was going smoothly for the most part, and I eagerly waited for the bell to ring and announce that the semester has ended. When it did, everyone stampeded out of the classrooms to reach their lockers and get the hell out of dodge. I was overjoyed from the thought of Helen and I getting a break from Gage. I couldn't stop the smile on my face as I opened my locker and grabbed my bag, but it didn't last when I glanced at my locker one more time. Another note? The killer normally left just one. They never did two in one day. I sighed and prepared myself as I opened it.

I need you as much as I need the breath in my chest and the pulse in my neck. Without you, I grow cold and still as stone. I was speechless. Are they sending an extra one to cover for holiday break? They must be. I put it in my bag before someone smacked the side of my head and laughed. I rolled my eyes and waited for Helen outside. I tried not to cry seeing him covered in water from lord knows in the school. He was shivering a little as he approached me.

"Helen, what happened!? Who did this!?" I asked while taking my coat off.

"It's not a big-" I couldn't help but interrupt him right then and there.

"Yes it is a big deal! It's cold out Helen! You shouldn't be walking around outside like this." I said before I put my coat on him. He looked at me as if he was worried.

-Helen pov

"You shouldn't give this to me Y/n."

"I care about you Helen." She said before we started walking. There's no doubt in my mind that she cares, but she's only adding more fuel the fire. If I take her coat home with me, I might not give it back.

"Well can I leave it at your house when we get there?" I asked. She didn't respond for a moment obviously confused. She shrugged her shoulders before nodding her head. We walked down to her house. I wanted to cry from her kind gesture. She doesn't know what she's doing. She shouldn't trust me. I struggled to not pet the fur inside her coat. I struggled to not tell Y/n that'd I return it later. I was paranoid about myself, but my thoughts switched when Y/n seemed paranoid about something else.

Writing in Red Ink (Bloody Painter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now