Ch.4 Beware

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-Your pov

I stared at the note for a while before looking at the whiteboard. Teachers were the only ones I knew of that had red pens. Judging by my history teacher's handwriting, he didn't write the note. It was too fancy. It seemed like none of my teachers had this handwriting. I jumped a little from the sound of the bell announcing that it was lunch. From what I heard, it's actually going to be good for once. I grabbed a tray and the food was dumped on my tray and I sat alone as usual. I was surprised. The food was pretty good so far. I paused when I heard laughing. I saw Helen walking towards the bathroom, again. I took a deep breath and left my table. Helen didn't notice me following him. He flinched when I grabbed his arm. The whole cafeteria was silent as I lead him towards my table.

"You don't have to do this. They'll start picking on you." He whispered before I sat down. I looked up at him.

"I don't care what they think. I'm tired of being alone at this school." I replied. He looked around before hesitantly sitting down.

"I got your back Helen." I finished before I continued eating. Helen stared at me for a while before finally eating. Everyone around us started talking among each other. Most were shocked and confused while others seemed irritated. I noticed Helen staring at me between bites.

"You ok?" I asked before Helen snapped out of his trance.

-Helen pov

"Just thinking." I replied. Really I was studying her every move. I can't believe that she grabbed my arm and lead me to her table. In front of everyone. She knows that it will change the way students treat her, yet she doesn't care. But I do. She shouldn't go through what I am dealing with. She doesn't know what I did to my friend. She doesn't know what I've become. I don't want her to see it, but at the same time, I want to warn her about who she is talking to. Not just Helen. She speaks to the Bloody Painter. She is talking to a mad man.    But it's not too late.  I can still make her change her mind. The notes that I will put in her locker will hopefully scare her to the point that she'll avoid me. It will hurt to do such a thing, but I don't know any other way.

"Are you ok? Helen?" Y/n's voice asked. I left my thoughts and nodded my head before shaking it.

"I'm scared. I don't want you to go through with what they do to me. You can still walk away. Save yourself from what will come." I whispered. Her e/c eyes looked into mine and she shook her head.

"As long as I have a friend in this place, nothing can hurt me." She replied before the bell rang. I guess I don't have a choice now. The notes are my only option.

-Your pov

There was a substitute teacher in algebra today. No one knows how long she'll be here. They didn't say much about why, but that didn't stop rumors from spreading. Most say that the teacher went missing. Apparently he was involved in some questionable things. I don't know what's real and what's not, but the substitute is way better at teaching. She made it so simple. Whoever put the note in my locker was right. This year will be different. It has gotten better. Yes I'll have to go through the crap that my peers will throw at me, but I won't be alone here anymore.  Maybe the substitute is the one who wrote it. Her handwriting isn't fancy or sloppy.

"Since it's Monday I'm not going to give you anything too crazy. Just the ten problems on page five. You can use your calculators, but also show your work. If you have any questions please let me know and I'll help." She said while writing the assignment on the board before going to her desk. The room was silent while everyone was working. Everyone jumped from the sound of the bell. A few peers stayed behind to get help while the rest of us wandered through the halls to reach our lockers. I could feel all eyes glaring at me. Word about Helen and I spread faster than what I thought. I pushed it out of my mind and opened my locker. I froze for a moment. Another note.
Walls have ears. Doors have eyes. Trees have voices. Beasts tell lies. Beware the rain. Beware the snow. Beware the man you think you know.

Writing in Red Ink (Bloody Painter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now