Aogiri Tree

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You've prepared your things before moving to Aogiri Tree. Your mom knows about it and gave permission to you. On the outside of the mansion, you found out kaneki is there standing by the fountain. You hug him and tell him you're ready. Then you two are on the way to Aogiri's base.

*time skip*

"Finally we are here,,, at aogiri"*exhausted*

"Yeah finally... By the way you're so tired (y/n) chan. Here i will wipe your sweat"

"Thanks kaneki kun"*smile*

"You're welcome (y/n) chan. Shall we go inside?"

"Ok let's go!"

Inside the Aogiri's base, there are tons of ghoul chatting, eating, and do the other stuff. Kaneki ask one of them where is Arata and they tell them where he is. You keep following kaneki wherever he goes. Then you jus realize that you and kaneki have arrived to a place where Arata is. Arata saw us and start a conversation

"Arata? Is that you?"*kaneki tilt his head*

"Yes it is me kaneki ken"*smiles*

"Oh so you are the aogiri's leader huh?"*you smirk*

"No no. I'm just one of the leader of Aogiri Tree that's it. By the way welcome to Aogiri's base and thank you for your acceptance to join us. We are having a big pleasure to welcome you two here."*arata hands over his hand for a shake*

"Yeah thanks. It was an honor for me and my girlfriend to join you guys"*takes arata's hand for a shake*

"Come, this way"

Arata started walking to show you and kaneki a room where you two will stay. On your way there you met ayato who walking alone. When he saw you in Aogiri he had a shocked face and you just say 'hi' to him and pass by him. When you arrived at your room with kaneki, you start to arrange things and help kaneki with some things.

The next day, you got a message from ayato that the aogiri tree will attack a group of ghoul in the 6th ward. Then you tell kaneki about the message and you two get ready before go to the 6th ward.

*time skip at 6th ward*

You start to change into a half ghoul and start fighting. You shoot your ice shards to some ghouls there. Kaneki does his best too because he increase his fighting skills by practicing at the base. At the final fight, Aogiri won the battle. You went home with victory and you celebrate the victory in your base with the other member of Aogiri. You have some friends here after you join aogiri for few months so do kaneki.

Guyss finally i updated my story hehe. I know it's short but there will be the epilogue of the story so enjoy guys ;);) sorry if there is some typo wkwk

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