Chapter 15

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^Joann's POV^

When we arrive back at the castle, Lucifer and I take the stuff we bought back to our rooms, agreeing to meet at the steps afterwards. I get to my room and throw my clothes on the bed, planning on packing them instead of throwing them in the closet. I put the weapons however under the bed, best to keep those hidden for now. After that I leave my room to meet Lucifer back at the stairs. In short time we meet at the stairs and make our way to the kitchen. When we entered, thankfully, it wasn't busy with employees. If I remembered correctly with their schedule they wouldn't start preparing dinner for another hour and a half. Luckily we could easily sneak in here, grab a few snacks and hide away in the garden and eat. I know I could have just looked for a maid and ask them to make us some snacks, but I didn't really see much of a point in it. I've lived independently for years at this point. Because of that I believe if I can handle it, I want to be able to do most things on my own. Thanks to the past of living here as well I also knew where they had pre-made snacks for occasions like this. With this knowledge all I needed to do was grab them.

Looking through the cabinets and fridge, I found a small basket, cubed cheese, grapes, and crackers. Happy with what I found, I put the food into the basket and turn to Lucifer. He was holding grape juice in a pitcher with two cups in his other hand to which I nod my head in approval. I then wave my hand, signaling him to follow me. We exit the kitchen and sneak through the hallways, thankfully not being spotted by anyone. I knew if we were spotted then the chance of the Streak family calling me for something would be higher since I decided to ditch Andrew at breakfast.

As we get outside and into the garden, we make our way back to the pond we sat at the night before. We take a seat and relax once again, enjoying the sunshine and the sound of nature. Lucifer hands me a cup of juice which I took grefully. I set the basket in between us and take some food out for myself, Lucifer doing the same after.

"So I forgot to tell you earlier, but tomorrow is the meeting day to get some information from an informant and close friend of mine. We'll need to meet with them at a cafe close to their home if that's okay. After that we'll be meeting with our guide who'll help us through the Fae territory. Remember about what I told you about that guy, don't trust him. He's a part of the panther tribe and can't be trusted. That species especially is known for being cunning and deadly." Lucifer tells me which I nod my head in response.

"I know, I know. Don't trust strangers, stranger danger and all of that. I get it, I'll keep my guard up. For now though, the only thing I have to worry about right now is the punishment I'll be getting from leaving breakfast this morning. Who knows if the King will let me step out tomorrow from what I did. If not he may try and push me to deal with Andrew again. That'll be so irritating honestly, but who knows, maybe somehow Andrew won't be a snitch and tell on me. That however, is only a small chance. Only way possible is if the guy considers his own pride on going to his father, whining and crying that he didn't get his way." I say which Lucifer smirks to in response.

"That guy seriously can't get the picture that you're not interested-huh. But like you said with his pride thing, he's definitely egotistical so who knows, maybe he'll try handling it on his own. I feel like that'll be even more irritating than whatever the king would have planned for you. Guy doesn't seem to like to take the answer no either and he may already think he's won since his parents are going to try to force the engagement. God would I love to see the look on his face when he's discovered you've disappeared again." Lucifer says which I giggle to. Andrew definitely will have a shocked expression, maybe even more shocked than when I spilled my drink on him. Serves him right. I think to myself.

We continued to just eat the snacks and chat, enjoying the nice sunny day. It's been a while since I relaxed in the sunlight like this. We were out a lot at Lucifer's home, but it was more for training than for just relaxing so it was nice just to sit in the sun. After the snacks were gone we still sat there talking about good parts of our childhoods. I told him about some stories about how Prince Alexander trained me with Andrew which gave him a laugh.

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