Chapter 16

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^Lucifer's POV^

As Joann and I enter the park, I notice a man that looks like an older version of that damn human form of the cat sitting at a bench. As Joann looks at the foreign man in curiosity I sigh and grumble to myself. Wonder if she's actually going to keep her promise this time. I understand she doesn't get to see much of the world, but she shouldn't be so curious about those shapeshifter's, especially panthers. If anything, her being too close to him could ruin my plan so I'll have to make sure to ditch him when we get past the Fae territory. I think to myself as we approach the damn cat. When we stand in front of him he lifts his head and smiles as he sees us.

"Ah, hello Lucifer, been a while hasn't it? Who's this lovely lady next to you?" He says as he turns to Joann and stands up. Before I could say anything, he grabs Joann's hand and kisses it as a form of hello.

"Hello dear, my name is Ace Umbra, it's a pleasure to meet you." Ace says as he lets go of her hand and takes a step back. I look to see Joann's reaction who had a shocked face, slightly blushing from surprise.

"Um- I- I'm Joann Light. It's nice to meet you as well. I've heard that you'll be escorting us through the Fae territories." Joann says, looking at me and then back to him with a weary smile. I could definitely tell by her body language that she was curious about the stranger, but was being cautious. Glad she's taking my words seriously. I step up after she finishes talking, blocking his view of Joann slightly and giving him a firm look.

"As she said, we need your help guiding us. Since Joann is one with angel blood, you and I both know people of your kind won't be so kind as to let us just pass through without a problem. I'll pay you as promised if you get us through there without a problem. Speaking of that, I have a plan set up in which you'll have to follow precisely for us to get out of these Kingdom's walls. The birthday ball in four days is when the plan is to be set into motion. On that night, Joann and I are to escape and go to the night market to get into contact with a witch by the name Ivory Thorn. I have no clue how much time we will have to go unnoticed so I thought of an idea that can make you useful. Instead of us trying to find the witch on our own, I want you to go searching for her for us instead.

This for multiple reasons will be the best option. It's a place where we all meet up at and we won't have as much of a difficult time looking for the witch. I believe you know as well that the night market is on the East of Stride's borders so we just need to set up a location to meet. A simple place will be the water fountain there. If you don't know where it's at, anyone around can tell you. Due to it having myths surrounding it, it's a place where if you were to make a wish there at midnight on a full moon it'll come true so it's a popular place. We'll meet you there and then make our way to the witch. We need something from her for Joann to get through this trip as undetected as possible and she can't just shapeshift on her own so getting a few items will be helpful.

After that, we'll get out of this territory and on our way with you as our guide. Once we get through the Fae territory however we will split from there after I give you your payment. I doubt you'll have any complaints with this plan?" I ask which Ace shows a grim face for a second before nodding, switching his face back to smirk as he flicks his eyes to Joann.

"Yes that's fine with me, I'll do anything for a good price and it's even more tempting to get to travel with someone as beautiful as a princess like her." he says with a wink in which Joann blushes. I hold back the feeling of growling at him and instead step in front of Joann fully now so he doesn't get a glimpse of her. Damn cat, what does he think he's doing? I think to myself. I take a deep breath and turn to Joann and grab her wrist lightly and nod my head to Ace.

"I think with plans finished being discussed, we can head out now. We will see you on the night of the ball." I say and turn away from him, pulling Joann along with me, noticing she has a slightly shocked face on how I reacted rudely. Once we get out of the park I stop and turn to Joann, letting go of her wrist.

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