info/set up

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(most of this is up to the reader)

First name: (F/n)
Last name: (L/n)
Height: (Y/H)
Hair color: (H/c)
Hair length: (H/l)
Age: 24
Quirk: Angelic Iris
Quirk info: Despite the name of the quirk, this power is anything but angelic. The quirk allows the user to show nightmarish illusions to anyone that looks this user in the eye. The victim of this quirk will feel or suffer from the following:
-panic attacks
-sometimes fainting.
Quirk drawbacks: The user is only currently able to use this quirk for 15-25 minutes. If the user uses the quirk for any longer they will experience some of the following:
-dry eyes
-head aches
-and in rare cases hallucination

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