Chapter 19: Camila

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Friday nights with great food were supposed to be good days for me. But then Harry wanted to spend the night with me again.

Going through with it for one night was one thing, but for two? I just couldn't do it.

That's why I had told him the truth. Harry was shocked and sad at this, but he realized that there was nothing either of us could do about this.

Harry had still whispered, "I love you. We could get through this." He had then kissed me gently. I knew that this wasn't right, so I pulled away, ran to my room, and began to cry.

Just then, I decided to call Lauren. I knew I shouldn't have done that, but I just felt so lonely. Meaghan had gone back to California, where she lived, although her sisters had an apartment here in London. Ally was with Normani and Dinah, and I didn't want to disturb them.

Lauren barged into my room about ten minutes after I had called. I was still crying. Lauren ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"What's wrong?" she asked. I couldn't answer, since I was crying too much. She held me as we went to the bed.

She sat on the bed and I lied down with my head on her thighs as I tried to stop crying. Lauren was also trying to comfort me, and it felt so right.

After the tears slowed down, Lauren asked me what was wrong again.

I wasn't sure what to tell her. If I were to tell her I broke up with Harry, she'd ask why, and I could never tell her.

"Camz, you have to tell me," she said. I sighed. I knew I had to tell her. "Harry and I broke up," I whispered.

Before I could start crying again, Lauren had me sit up and she hugged me again. She let go of me, sadly too soon. Lauren then kissed my forehead, compensating for the short hug.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. "I don't know," I told her honestly. "Tell me about it," she encouraged me.

My mind didn't want to tell her, but the words rambled out of my mouth. Lauren listened attentively to everything I said.

Right before I revealed the secret I had to Harry, Ally, and Meaghan, I managed to stop myself from saying it.

Usually, I would tell Lauren my secrets. Yet how in the world would I tell her that I thought I loved her? There was no way I could do that without possibly ruining our friendship.

Once I finished telling her about my break up, Lauren comforted me. She stopped after a moment, though, and looked at me directly in my eyes with her piercing green ones. "What's this truth you told him?" she asked me.

Evidently, I didn't want to tell her. "Do I have to say?" I asked. "Give me a hint, at least?" she asked.

Picking my words wasn't easy, but soon I realized what I should say. "I think I like someone else," I told her.

"Who is it? Do I know him? Is he cute? Are you going to ask him out?" She asked me excitedly. "I'm scared, I know they won't like me," I told her. At least I was being honest. "Who wouldn't like you?" she asked.

"You," I wanted to say, but obviously that was a terrible idea.

Instead, I shrugged, which made Lauren frown. "Anyone would be lucky to have you," she told me, then gave me another tight hug.

Lauren stayed with me all night. The next morning, we awoke in the same bed, and went downstairs to have breakfast, to see Harry in the kitchen.

No matter how much he may have loved me, it was awkward between us.

Then I realized that we were leaving on the Tuesday night. That meant that we had four days left in England.

Anyone would want a happy and cheerful ending to a European journey, but that's certainly not what happened.

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