Chapter 23: Camila

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Dinah, Ally, Normani, and I sang some kareoke at the mansion to help me feel better, and we had an awesome time.

Midnight had rolled around, so we went to bed. However, there was a huge storm outside, and I felt scared and couldn't sleep.

Out of the blue, I heard Lauren's door slam shut. Also, I thought I heard crying. I walked up to the wall quietly, and I could tell that Lauren was sobbing in there.

All I wanted to do was to go into her room and wrap my arms around her and stay with her until she felt better. Although, I was scared that she would kick me out or feel awkward or something like that.

Getting over my fears, I went straight to Lauren's room. She was huddled on the floor beside her bed, clearly sobbing.

"Lo! What's wrong?" I asked worriedly as I went up to her. "Oh, Camila, hey," she said quickly as she sniffled. "What happened boo? Why were you just crying?" I asked.

She looked at me a little bit uncomfortably. This got me a little mad.

"Really? Stop looking at me like that. I heard you crying from my room and I wanted to see if you were okay. I'm not going to try to make out with you or anything, you don't have to seem like you're disturbed by me," I said, feeling hurt. I then got up and began to walk away.

"Camz, wait, I'm sorry," Lauren said, causing me to turn back to her, "It's just that this is so new to me and I don't know how to act around you anymore. And I just have a lot on my plate, I'm sorry."

I sighed. I could never stay mad at Lauren. Sure, she was able to hurt me in the smallest ways, but looking into her beautiful green eyes and seeing that she really did care about me took away all of my pain.

"You can act normally around me, it's okay I won't do anything bad, I swear," I told Lauren as I sat down on the floor in front of me. Lauren looked at me and gave me a weak smile. "Now tell me why you're so sad," I said.

Her smile then faded. "I don't really want to talk about it," she said, "with anyone," she added. "At least tell me who or what it's about?" I asked.

"Niall," she whispered. This angered me so much. "What did he do? I hate home for making you cry, I'm going to throw that mother fucker down some stairs and then he will roll off a mother fucking cliff," I told her.

"Please don't do that," she looked at me sadly. "Sorry, I just feel like I have to protect you," I told her. "Thanks, but what's done is done, there's nothing to do now," she replied.

The next morning rolled around quickly. I had gone back to my room after I knew Lauren would be okay, and the next thing I knew, people were jumping in my bed.

"Wake up Mila!" Dinah exclaimed. "Yes! We have to record, remember?" Normani exclaimed.

"Ugh, let me sleep," I groaned loudly. "But we're late!" Dinah exclaimed again. I realized that she and Normani were on top of me, while Ally and Lauren were standing side by side each other with evil grins.

"Okay, what is up with you two?" I asked worriedly. "Nothing, nothing at all," Lauren replied creepily.

Rolling my eyes, I put my head back onto my pillow. I closed my eyes. It was quiet for a moment, until water began to spray my face and people started pushing me.

Falling out of the bed, I shouted, "What in the world?" Ally and Lauren had huge water guns, and Dinah and Normani had been pushing me.

"Sorry, but we told you to get up," Ally said. I laughed as I stood up. "Let me give you a hug then, all of you," I said, realizing that I was soaking wet.

"Don't you dare," Normani said. I gave the girls an evil grin. I began to chase the girls around on that floor.

Eventually, we remembered that we had to record that day, so we got ready quickly. We then met Harry and Louis downstairs. They didn't seem that mad, but we had to hurry up and get to the studio.

Zayn, Liam, and Niall were waiting for us there. We immediately got to work and finished recording everything we had to record.

Afterwards, we were going to go out for dinner, when Dinah got a text from Simon. "Because of the storm, you're flight was moved and its now at midnight. I suggest you pack," Dinah read to us.

"Gosh, we have to pack!" Ally exclaimed. "Let's go now then," Normani said. With that, Louis drove the five of us back to the mansion while Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Niall went out to eat. Thank god they had, otherwise I probably would've hurt Niall. He caused Lauren pain, and I would never get over that.


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