Getting Rid Pt.1

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Hey... I text him

*********NO ANSWER************

Hey.. I text him

*********NO ANSWER************

Dont fucking ignore me!!!

************He puts me on seen********

I get a text the next morning..

Hey sorry but I'm busy right now I'll text you when Im not.


*********************NEXT WEEK*******************

I turn on Black Veil Brides while feeling rather good until I hear my phone go off,

Whats Up? I see his face.

All of my joy bursts out screaming,as if there was confetti coming out of me!

Nm u? I text back trying to be cool


So, u wanna be friends again? I say bieng a little pushy

.... Is what I get back

I start boiling inside but I dont let it out.

So are we?

Idk are we? I get back

Well idk either you tell me! I text forcing my fingers on to my screen.

No you tell me...

Stfu haha Yeah we are! I say back

No were not! Not yet! He says back

Oh.. I say back as all my joy goes away to turn back to sadness and depression.


Why am I wasting my time with him?

I'm never going to have him.

He fucking hates me!

What did I do wrong?

Why am I the way I am?

Why can I be normal like all the other people?

Why couldnt I be put on this earth like everyone else?

Why does love, sadness and jealousy even excist?

They are all a waste of time!

I hate myself!

I'm a fuck up! I fuck everything good that ever happened to me up! First there was Annette...(my best friend) Then I lost Espy, Now look at me I lost the love of my life! My best friend, the only one in this world that made me happy! And I fucked it up!

I dont know what I do but I fuck it up all the time im letting go! Im letting go forever!

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