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Prompt-Hermione and Y/n fancy and like each other a lot but hermione keeps denying it saying 'she doesnt like y/n' or 'she doesnt like me back anyways' but Y/n never hears it assuming hermione likes Ron. But one day harry and Hermione are talking and harry asks if hermione likes Y/n and she obviously denies it but this time Y/n overhears it and...

"Hey mione" "oh uh hey Y-yn" "you okay?" "Yea of course, did you want anything?" "Oh I was just wondering if you wanted to study together in the library", hermiones eyes lit up with joy "yes yes of course" "alright let's go then" Y/n blushes and says but Hermione doesnt notice the blush on Y/ns face.

After a while of studying they decide to go to the great hall and Y/n departs from hermione and goes to her own table (sry if ur a gryffindor). "So how was your little study date with Y/n hermione?" "Oh shut it Ron" "stop denying it hermione, one day it'll bite back at ya" "not you too harry" "but seriously your gonna have to admit it a some point" "but I dont like her" "says the one staring at her as we speak" Ron says and hermione didnt even notice shes been staring since she sat down. "I said shut it already" hermione bows her head down in embarrassment and a small blush creeping up her face.

 Y/n didnt know what they were talking about so when she turned and saw Ron and Hermione talking and Hermione put her head down and with a blush she assumed Ron was complimenting her or something and that made Y/n bubble with jealousy.

"You gotta tell her at some point or Ron will steal her from you" "I will soon but I hope it wont be too late" " I see the way she looks at you" Y/n eye brows furrow in confusion but pushes past the thought. "Your right I will tell her" "and you might want to stop stabbing the already dead chicken before you break your plate" "oh yea..."

The next day Y/n walked into the great hall just to see Hermione and Ron talking yet again and hermione is yet again blushing. Hermione spotted Y/n and waved at her but Y/n just turned away and walked to Luna. Hermione put her hand down and her happy expression turned into a sad and confused face. "Just admit it already" "I. Dont. Like. Her" "yea sure". "Why so mad Y/n" "hermione and Ron again" Y/n mumbles "how about after breakfast just admit it and ask her out, I bet she'll say yes" "alright I trust you Luna"

After breakfast harry and hermione decide to go to the courtyard. "When are you gonna admit it to Y/n you like her. Hermione takes a long sigh and says "when will you get it though your guys thick skulls to believe me when I say I. Dont. Like. Y/n." "Y-Y- you dont?". Hermiones head whips around at the voice and is face to face with Y/n whose eyes are starting to get glossy. "I uh-" "yea I shouldve known" "w-what" "yea I see how you look at talk to Ron, I guess it'll always be Ron" "w-wait Y/n-" but before hermione can say anything else Y/n just stormed off with tears in her eyes threatening to fall out.

Y/n got to her dorm and laid down crying into her pillow. "I guess it didnt go well" "what do you think luna" Y/n says sarcastically. "What happened exactly" "I listened to you and I was gonna admit it to hermione but before I could I overheard her and harry talking and she said that she didnt like me" Y/n started crying harder. "Oh I'm so sorry Y/n" luna walked over to Y/n and hugged her tightly. "I guess its over they can have thier happy life together, I guess I'll just ignore her hoping my feeling will go away" "I don't think that's a good idea but if that makes you happy go with it" "thanks luna"

The next day Y/n came to the great hall with dark bags under her eyes and disheveled hair but she really didnt care. She didnt take one glance at hermione but if she did she wouldve seen that hermione wasnt looming any better with red puffy eyes, disheveled hair and clothes and bags under her eyes from crying and lack of sleep. "Why did I do that" hermione exclaimed "I told you, you shouldve just admitted it" "yea I guess your finally right about this" hermione wasnt hungry and just stared at Y/n and playing with her food. "Why would she even think I would like Ron" "I dont know, why dont you just talk to her" harry suggests "i dont think she wants to talk" "you have to at some point, dont we have potions with the ravensclaws today" "yea why" "aren't you partners, just talk to her there" "I hope she'll want to talk" hermione turns her head slightly smiling because Y/n is laughing at something cho and luna are saying.

After dinner Y/n heada to the library and hermione follows. Y/n sits at a table all the way at the back so almost nobody can see her. She hears footsteps but doesnt acknowledge them and just continues reading. "Uh Y/n?" Y/n recognized the voice and just ignores them. "Y/n?" Y/n continues ignoring her. "About what you heard-" "yea I heard you dint like me now go away" "no-" I said go away, go away to your little boyfriend and just leave me alone" then Y/n got up and tried to walk away but hermione grabbed her wrist. "Let go of me" "no" "I said let go-" and hermione just grabs the back of Y/ns head and smashes their lips together. Y/n in a state of shock and would kiss back and  hermione took that a sign that she dosnt like her back and pulled away. "I-im sorry Y/n, I should go-" and Y/n grabs her waist and kisses her.

 After hermione processed what was happening she kissed her back. Hermione wrapped her arms around her head and deepend the kiss. Y/n tightened her grip on her waist and hermione gasped giving Y/n an opportunity to slip her tongue in. After a while of kissing they pulled apart not before hermione biting Y/ns lip and pulling apart. "I like you Y/n" "couldnt have made that more obvious" Y/n chuckled. Hermione gave another small peck to Y/ns lips. "Hogsmeade this weekend?" Y/n asked, "I would love that" and they had another kiss...before madam pince kicked them out

Ahhhhhh another chapter doom dam wablam done.

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