I love you (pt 2)

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(Part 2 of this weird story)
Warning:small mention of pills

4th year
*everything has been going great with Y/N and Hermione
*on the hogwarts express
Y/N-looking out the window and in a cart with Professor Lupin, Harry, Ron and, Hermione sleeping on Y/N’s shoulder
Ron-*Giving Y/N the death stare (Y/N and Ron have always been really good friends)
Y/N-Um hey Ron are you okay?
Ron-yea im perfectly fine *with a mad looking face
Y/N-Well okay then hope you feel better I guess
*the train suddenly slows down and becomes colder
Hermione-slowly wakes up in hugs Y/N tight because Hermione is getting cold and scared
Y/N-Here hermione take my hoodie
Hermione-Okay. *hugs tighter after putting the hoodie on
Ron-*looks over and gets even more jealous
*demetor walks in and tries to steal Harry’s soul and professor Lupin wakes up and says
Professor Lupin-Patronum
*we see a very bright light coming out of his wand and the next second we see harry faint
Y/N-Harry! Harry!
*few minutes go by and Harry wakes up
Professor Lupin-Here take some chocolate it'll make you feel better, I have to go talk to the driver so just stay here
Y/N-Harry how are you feeling?
Harry-I just have a bit of a headache but I think i'll manage But did you guys hear a woman screaming
Hermione-Harry no one was screaming
Harry-oh, What was that thing
Ron-it's called a demetor
(This scene was only to show Ron being jealous)
*They arrive at Hogwarts
Hermione-Hey Y/N?
Y/N-Yes love?
Hermione-are we here yet?
Y/N-yes we are, let's get off now
*they go to the great all to here Dumbledore's announcements for this year
Dumbledore-This we will be having the TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENT. The triwizard tournament will come in a few weeks and you don't have any classes today so you have a free day today to do anything you want
Y/N-I know who I want to spend the day with. *winks at Hermione
Hermione-I know too. *blushes
Ron-*stares in annoyance 
Y/N-Let's go to the dorm and put our stuff away Hermione
Hermione-okay love
Y/N-Let me grab your stuff
Hermione-I can do it myself
Y/N-*whispers I would want my beautiful girlfriend to get tired
Hermione-Aw I love you but let's go already
*they arrive at the dorm
Y/N-*setting her bed up until
Hermione-Turns Y/N around to kiss her and they both fall on the bed laughing
Y/N-Hey what was that for?
Hermione-Am I not allowed to kiss my girlfriend? *smirking
Y/N-Well come here then
*they kiss for a long time
Y/N-This is the one day i'm not gonna workout because i wanna spend the day with my girlfriend
Y/N-wanna go to the astronomy tower? The sun is starting to set
Hermione-Of course I want to!
*they go to the astronomy tower but on the way Ron is staring at Y/N in jealousy but Y/N and Hermione don’t see
*they are at the astronomy tower and see the sunset
Y/N-Spending the whole day with you was so great I wish this day doesn't end
Hermione-Me too
*they have a deep passionate kiss 
Y/N-I love you Hermione Granger
Hermione-I love you too Y/N Y/L/N
*they spend the rest of the night cuddling in Y/N’s bed
*A couple of weeks go by and everything is going great until
Ron-Hey Y/N are you actually dating Hermione?
Y/N-Why would you like to know?
*Hermione and Y/N haven't told anyone beside ginny and harry about their relationship but it was also kinda obvious
Ron-I have fancied her since 2nd year
Y/N-what if I told you I was dating her
Ron-YOU PROBABLY KNEW I LIKED HER BUT YOU DECIDED TO GO AFTER HER!!! *having almost everyone in the great hall hear   
Y/N-why are you getting so mad and i've liked her a lot longer than you have weasley!
Ron-*losing his temper tries to throw a punch
Y/N-*Dodges it. Stop getting so mad!
Ron-oh shut up. *tries to throw another punch
Y/N-*This time I caught it. You know what weasley, let's take it outside! No wands just fist to fist
Hermione-Y/N no!
*Ron and Y/N with almost everyone in the great hall walks outside to the courtyard
George weasley-I bet he won't last 10 min
Fred-I bet he won't last 5 min ha!
Y/N-Come one weasley give me your best shot!
Ron-*throws the first punch
Y/N-*dodges it then punches Ron in the stomach making him fall to the ground and punches him hard making his nose break
Ron-*whining on the ground because of his nose and stomach
Hermione-*runs to Ron and tries to help him up, turns around to give Y/N a disappointed look 
Y/N-*with hurt in her eyes, Y/N looked at Hermione because she felt betrayed that Hermione helped Ron and shot Y/N a disappointed look, 
Y/N-walks away until she is alone and starts sprinting to a bathroom 
*For the rest of the day Hermione and Y/N decided to avoid each other
Y/N-*goes to the astronomy tower because that's the only place she could release her anger and is surprised to see hermione standing in her spot
Y/N-Oh i'm sorry I thought no one was here! I'll just be on my way then
Hermione-No wait Y/N- *getting cut off by Y/N
Y/N-No No its okay you can go back to weasley since you care about him so much
Hermione-Y/N please wait- *getting cut off one more time
Y/N-Nope i'm sorry you can be here since this is YOUR safe spot *running down to the dorm
Y/N-*goes to the dorm and switches to a white tank top and sweats to workout because that's the only thing that could calm her down now. Y/N was doing push ups before Hermione came in and Y/N walked out only grabbing a hoodie
Hermione- why did I have to do that now Y/N isn't talking to me
* Y/N comes back to the gryffindor common room and sleeps on the couch and harry sees
Harry-why aren't you sleeping with Hermione? Are you okay? Why are you out here with just a hoodie?
Y/N-*With tears slowly coming down Y/N’s face, I'm just really sad about what happened earlier today and she stood up for Ron while I just stood up for us and she probably loves Ron while I love her.
Hermione-*Hears Y/N and starts crying
Harry-Well i’m sorry, I know you stood up for Hermione because you love her and Ron was just being unreasonable, I'm on your side in this argument. i'm gonna go grab a pillow and blanket for you because you seem a little cold
Y/N-Thank you Harry
*the next day
*a few people (including Hermione with red eyes from crying) staring at Y/N as her abs were shown from her sweating and crying last night. 
*In the great hall Y/N is sitting beside Harry and Lavender and Y/N sees Hermione sitting beside Ron 
Y/N-Hey harry look at the audacity of Ron and Hermione
Harry-I know, i'm honestly taking your side in this argument
Y/N-Nice to know one person does
Lavender-Hi Y/N your looking pretty today
Y/N-Oh thanks Lavender, Your not looking too bad yourself (Y/N knows that Lavender likes her but Y/N only sees her as a friend)
Hermione-*looks over and sees Lavender talking to Y/N and starts to get jealous
Dumbledore-Professor McGonagall has an announcement 
Professor McGonagall-IN 2 MONTHS THERE WILL BE THE…...YULE BALL!!! So everyone has 2 months to pick their dates and outfits!
Hermione-*thinks, Does she even want to ask me *looks at Y/N
Harry-So are you gonna ask Hermione?
Y/N-I really really want to but I feel like she still hates me 
3 weeks pass
*Y/N and Harry come out of a store with dress robes and Hermione walks up to them
(and btw There are 4 of the Triwizard Champions were picked and Victor Krum keeps going after Hermione and Y/N is still sad about Hermione sticking up for Ron)
Hermione-Hey Harry and Hey oh um Hey Y/N!
Harry-Hey hermione
Y/N-*looks down for a second
Hermione-Um ok. Do you guys have dates yet *trying to make it sound like She wanted Y/N to ask her
Harry-Um yea I'm taking parvati. Do you?
Hermione-uh not yet i keep turning down someone because I want someone else to ask me
Y/N-Well Harry I guess Ms Granger is waiting for Mr Weasley to ask her. I'll talk to you later Harry *with sadness in Her eyes
Hermione-*starts tearing up knowing that she definitely hurt Y/N
Harry-Why did you have to do that to her?
Hermione-I didn't mean to!
Harry-She definitely loves you and she was defending you and Her but you decided to help unreasonable Weasley and now you're waiting for him to ask you!
Harry-Oh.. Well maybe you should just ask her
Hermione-But I wanted her to ask me but if she doesn't i'll just go with someone else
Harry-Well if you get heartbroken if she asks someone else don't come crying to me
*In the great hall
Hermione-Um hey Y/N can I talk to you?
Y/N-Talk to me about what! Talk to me about how you want to be with Weasley or Krum!
Hermione-What no! Please just wait-
Y/N-You probably don't even want to go with me *Eyes starts watering
*couple seconds after
Victor Krum-*stands on a chair. Hermione, can you make me one of the happiest people and come with me to the yule ball!
Hermione-Oh um *stuttering
Y/N-*runs away feeling even more betrayed and runs to Y/N and Hermione’s dorm bathroom and stays in there for Hours
Y/N-*thinks, I don't even wanna ask anyone out, I just don't wanna make even more drama. Maybe i'll just stay in the astronomy tower
Hermione-Hey Y/N can I please talk to you?
Y/N-Go talk to your new date!
Hermione-Why are you being so unreasonable!
(door still not open)
Y/N-You really want to know why! MAYBE BECAUSE I DID ALL OF THIS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH BUT IM THE ONE WHO ALWAYS MAKES THE MISTAKES! *stuttering in between because of crying
Hermione-I'm so sorry! If it makes you feel better I said no to krum in front of everyone 
Y/N-You shouldn't have done that because um *thinking of an excuse, It's because i already have a date
Hermione-Y-y-you do?
Y/N-um yea
Y/N-spends the rest of the night in the bathroom
Hermione-*uses Alohomora
Hermione-Hey Y/N...
Y/N-Walks out to go on a jog leaving a hoodie
*after jog shivering and sits on bench
Hermione-You seem cold, Here take your hoodie
Y/N-Oh um thanks and uh i'm sorry for last night *walks away
Hermione-Wait *hugs Y/N from behind
Y/N-*loosens Hermione's Grip and walks away
Hermione-Why am I such an Idiot
*Night of the Ball (Y/N still not having a date decides to go anyways and wears black Dress robe)
Harry-wow Y/N you look great! Whoever you're taking is very lucky!
Y/N-well Harry that's the thing... I'm not taking anyone 
Harry-Wait why?
Y/N-I didn't want to hurt hermione more and i didnt want to hurt myself
Harry-Well do you know who's taking her?
Y/N-No I don't actually
Harry-Oh you'll find out later
*at the Yule ball
Y/N-Do you know where Hermione is?
Harry-No I don't and i'll talk to you later i gotta go grab parvati
Y/N-Okay Harry talk to you later
Hermione peeping her head from a wall up the stairs and slowly descends down the stairs
Y/N-*turns around and sees Hermione in a pink dress and Beautiful hair and makeup, Y/N starts staring at how beautiful Hermione was, *Thinks, Damn i feel like a total idiot now
Hermione-*Stares back at Y/N and also admires Y/N’s dress robe, damn she looks so hot in that *finally finished walking down the stairs
Y/N-Oh wow Hermione You Look So Beautiful
Hermione-You don't look too bad yourself *blushing
Y/N-anyways who did you go to the dance wit- *getting cut off
Victor Krum-Hey Hermione Are you ready?
Hermione-Oh um
Y/N-Really Hermione? 
Hermione-Why are you talking? You probably went with Lavender!
Y/N-well I um *quickly walks away
Harry-Why'd Y/N walk away like that?
Hermione-I got mad telling her she probably went with Lavender
Harry-You probably shouldn't have done that...
Hermione-and why is that
Harry-Well you see she said she didn't want to go with anyone because she didn't want to hurt you more but i guess you hurt her
Hermione-Oh im sorry
Harry-you shouldn't be saying sorry to me but clearly you like Krum more
Harry-Well you should tell her that not me
*dance starts but halfway through Hermione Runs to find Y/N but is stopped by Ron who is also jealous
Ron-Wow just wow (in a sarcastic tone) Hermione I can actually understand if you went if Y/N but Krum really
Hermione-I know your just jealous
Ron-honestly Yes i am and I can understand if you went with Y/N but I bloody feel bad for her but of course you ditch the both of us
Hermione-*runs to find Y/N with tears in her eyes and sees Y/N unconscious on the hallway floor with blood on her face, ripped dress clothes and pills in her hand
Hermione-Y/N? Y/N! Oh my Gosh Y/N Please wake up I'm sorry! Y/N please... *sees the pill in Y/N hand
*Hermione bring Y/N to the hospital wing
Y/N-*wakes up hours later
Hermione-OMG Y/N! 
Y/N-Hermione? *in a quiet voice
Y/N-What happened?
Hermione-I left Krum and Got mad at ron then I went to find you and saw you unconscious on the floor in the halls all bloodied up and you had...pills in your hand
Y/N-I'm sorry I went to go back to the dorms but draco and his goons came and you know 
Hermione-oh but You shouldn't be the one saying sorry im the idiot who did this to you and if i didn't do anything you wouldn't have ended up like this
Y/N-Hey don't call yourself an idiot! You're the smartest and most beautiful Girl I know, I regret every moment without you and it's all my fault we started this whole argument, I was being immature and unreasonable and took my anger out on ron for no reason, When I saw you walking down the stairs I regretted not bringing the person i love the most to the dance and I love you so much but Krum or weasley are better than me, you deserve someone better. *looks down
Hermione-*picks Y/N's head up, I  love you so much but Krum and Weasley aren't better, I would definitely rather have you than anyone else
Y/N-Well I guess the night isn't over yet
Hermione-I guess it isn't
Y/N-*slowly stands up, then Hermione Granger May I have this dance with you?
Hermione-But you have to rest
Y/N-Mione don't worry about me I want to spend the rest of the night with the prettiest and amazing girl ever and I also have a thing I want to do tomorrow
Hermione-Okay just one dance and then you have to rest
Y/N-I promise *kisses Hermione
*They dance for the rest of the night 
Hermione-What's the surprise your gonna do tomorrow
Y/N-You'll find out *Winks
Y/N deeply kisses Hermione and Hermione kisses back then they finally go back to the dorm and Y/N rests and Hermione gets in the bed with Y/N and sleeps on her chest
*tomorrow morning in the great hall (Y/N still went on a jog)
Hermione-So what's the surprise
Y/N-I'll show you 
*Y/N stands up on a chair and everyone in the great hall looks to see Y/N
Y/N-Hermione Granger will make you the happiest person ever, Will you be my girlfriend?
Hermione-*blushes, Of course I will!
Everyone (even Ron) in the great hall starts clapping, cat calling and whistling
Y/N gets down on the floor and kisses Hermione
Hermione-So that's the surprise you wanted to tell me *Giggles, I love you
Y/N-Yup and I love you too!
Dumbledore-Congrats to Y/N and Hermione but an announcement for the second task for the triwizard tournament, it will be starting in a week and a half and the golden egg will say where and what you're doing for the second task! Good luck competitors!
Ron-Good luck Harry and um congrats Y/N im sorry ive been a jerk lately
*Both Harry and Y/N look at each other….. And laughs
Y/N-Its fine we knew you were in love with Hermione but your owning up to in now and we're not gonna throw away our entire friendship 
Harry-Just dont be stupid again, well your still a little *laughs
Ron-Phew I thought you guys hated me and im really sorry Y/N i'm definitely gonna get over it 
Y/N-Thanks Ron
*after eating breakfast and classes
Cedric-Harry you should go to the Prefects bathroom
Harry-Oh that's how you open the egg and find out information for the next task
Y/N-Thats great you should go there now
Harry-Y/N wanna help me
Y/N looks at Hermione and Hermione has a pouty face on because she wanted to hangout with Y/N
Y/N-Harry maybe next time *whispers to harry, I think a certain someone wants to hangout with me *winks
Harry-*winks back, well talk to later
Y/N-Okay good luck
Y/N-Now where were we *kisses Hermione
Hermione-Can we take this to our dorm? *pouty face
Y/N-Whatever you want I will do
Hermione-Good because I want You!
Y/N-Then i'll give you me
(Blah blah blah I'm not good at writing smut sorry yall)
Y/N-I love you so much Hermione Granger
Hermione-I love you too Y/N Y/L/N! Can I wear one of your hoodies tonight
Y/N-Of course, I'm gonna go take a shower
Hermione-I'm gonna take one after you! *smirks because she is going to do something
Y/N-*gets out of the shower, Um Hermione where did my shirt go?
Hermione-I hid it *while staring at Y/N’s body
Y/N-what? Do you really like what you see?
Hermione-Yes I do
Y/N-Do I have to spend the whole night with no shirt
Hermione-Yes you look amazing*blushing
Y/N-I will do whatever you want babe
Y/N-Oh i'm sorry i'll call you something else-
Hermione-*kisses, Its okay babe, i'm yours anyways 
Y/N-Damn Im so lucky I have a girlfriend like you
*they cuddle for the rest of the night
*Hermione sleeps hugging Y/N’s waist, Y/N kisses Hermione’s forehead and hermione smiles
Hermione-Hey babe are you okay now?
Y/N-Um yea I think so and um I think i'm gonna go on a longer jog this time so I think i'll miss breakfast sorry Mione
Hermione-Aw *with a sad pouty face
Y/N-Don't worry I love you
*Y/N runs into Harry
Harry-hey Y/N!
Y/N-Oh hey Harry and oh what did the egg say
Harry-oh it said “Come seek us where our voices sound, We cannot sing above the ground, An hour long you'll have to look, To recover what we took.” and I have no idea what it means
Y/N-Oh I think it means that you have to recover something that truly matters to you and you have to stay underwater for an hour at the black lake
Harry-How in the bloody hell am I supposed to stay underwater for an hour?
Y/N-I dont know but you still got a week I think we can work it out
Harry-thanks Y/N
*finally back from the jog, In the Gryffindor common room
*everyone (most of the girls) stares at Y/N because the sweat from her jog made her abs visible
Hermione-Oh hey Y/N! *glares at everyone
Everyone-*goes back to doing what they were doing
Y/N-Overprotective much *smirks then laughs
Hermione-it's not my fault everyone wants you *pouty face
Y/N-Yea but the only thing I want is you
Harry-Aw *smirks
Y/N-Oi shut up Harry *laughs
Y/N-oh and mione Is that my hoodie?
Hermione-um yea… Can I keep it? It reminds me of you and it's comfy
Y/N-Fine, only because I love you
Ron, Harry, Neville and the weasley twins-Ooooh *laughing
Y/N-Don't make me hex you *laughing

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