Me or Him?!

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Prompt:Y/N is best friends with hermione (really close best friend) but is in love with her and hermione is completely oblivious to it but hermione is also in love with Y/N but decides to think Y/N doesn't like her so it leads to her mind switching between ron and Y/N but she truly loves Y/N, one day during the horcrux hunt ron and Y/N are fighting over hermione and

Ron-so who's it gonna be hermione?!? ME OR Y/N?!
Y/N-Yea who's it gonna be
Hermione-(says out of pressure) uhh Ron it's gonna be Ron (stunned at what she just said)
Y/N-(stands there with a betrayed face) fine…
Hermione-no Y/N-
Y/N-fine be with ron…(walks out of tent
Hermione-Y/N-(tries to follow)
Ron-(grabs hermione's wrist before she can)  so you like me huh
Hermione-(looks back at Y/N and sighs) uh yea sure…
Ron-can I call you my girlfriend then?
Hermione-I guess so
Y/N-(sits outside by the fire) WHAT DID I DO WRONG!!! (Puts head in her hands) 
Y/N- (starts rubbing hands together and starts shivering since it's becoming night, suddenly feels a blanket being wrapped around her) (knowing who it's from, takes the blanket and throws it to the side)
Hermione-you cant sleep out here you'll freeze
Y/N- (silence)
Hermione-i'm sorry
Hermione-please just come sleep inside the tent you can't be out here
Y/N-(snaps and stands up) What gives you the right to talk to me right now?!
Y/N-You don't have a right to talk to me so I can and will sleep out here if It means being away from you
Hermione-Y/N no-
Y/N-clearly u dont care about how I feel now since you fucking chose ron and for your information I was fucking in love with you OKAY now stop fucking talking to me
(Harry and Ron starts hearing yelling and ron gets out of the tent and hears Y/N)
Ron-(pushes Y/N away) hey don't talk to my girlfriend like that
Y/N-FINE I don't want to talk to her anyways so go snog girlfriend if you'd like (starts to walk away but turns around to say)
Hermione once the whole horcrux hunt is over I would really appreciate it if you pretended I dont exist and you just leave me the fuck alone (walks away)
Hermione-(thinks to herself) dammit I really messed up now (starts tearing up)
(The first 3 days Ron and Hermione have been fine but after that everything has been going down hill)
Ron-Why do you even care about her you chose me didn't you
Hermione-she's still my best friend
Ron-she said she didn't want to talk to you so how does that make her your best friend
Hermione-Why are you being so insensitive right now
Ron-maybe because your my girlfriend
Hermione-but what if I don't want to be your girlfriend
Ron-(scoffs) so you've been lying this whole time
Hermione-(silence) (glances at Y/N outside of the tent sitting by the fire)
Hermione-(sighs and just goes on her bed)
(The next day they ended up by a lake)
Y/N-(goes outside and skips some rocks)
Hermione- (goes out and sees Y/N skipping rocks and goes to try to talk to Y/N) hey...
Y/N-(says nothing and walks further away from hermione)
Hermione- (sighs and goes back to the tent to talk to harry)
Hermione- harry what do I do, she won't talk to me and whenever i get close to her she just walks away
Harry- i guess that's what happens when you choose the wrong person
Hermione- i didn't mean to
Harry- what do you mean you didn't mean to
Hermione- I honestly only said Ron out peer pressure and I realize that was a huge mistake
Harry-oh well I dont think shes gonna forgive you anytime soon
Hermione- (sigh) I can see that
(Suddenly harry and hermione hear a loud thud like someone who just got punched, they rush out and see Y/N on the ground unconscious while Ron is standing there with his fist up)
Hermione- RON WHAT DID YOU DO (running towards Y/N and intentionally shoves Ron out of the way)
Ron-It's her fault she got in the way of our relationship 
Hermione-she was literally just skipping stones out here and she doesn't even want to talk to me 
Ron-(scoffs) yea sure (walks away)
(Harry and hermione Carries the still unconscious Y/N into the tent and places her onto a bed)
Hermione-(sees the huge bruise starting to appear on Y/Ns cheek) I'm sorry Y/N I'm so so sorry (holding Y/Ns hand)
(A day later)
Y/N- (starts to wake up noticing a small stinging sensation on the right side of her face, a groan leaving her mouth seeming to wake up the bushy haired girl seated next to her)
Hermione- Y/N are you alright?
Y/N-(seeming to remember the events of yesterday she just scoffs and rolled her eyes, standing up and walking to a nearby table, picking up a book to read)
Hermione- please Y/N talk to me
Y/N-(silence as she continued to read)
Y/N- (tapping the side of her cheek as she let out a soft hiss)
Hermione- (walking over with a small container with some substance that looks like a paste) here put this on your face
Y/N- (hesitantly taking the container and reluctantly putting the paste on the side of her face, suddenly a bit of the pain have left her, Y/N slowly turned to hermione murmuring a 'thanks' and turning away to read again)
Hermione- (a soft sigh left hermione's lips and she went to sit on the other side of the table) Y/N I'm really sorry
Y/N-i dont want to hear it (she said quietly)
Hermione- I don't know why I picked Ron, you have to believe me
Y/N-(silence not wanting to talk about Ron)
Hermione- I didn't want him to punch you, I got mad at him right after
Y/N- why didn't you stop him then is it because you already hurt me emotionally, he just finished the job of hurting me physically, you just wanted him to complete the job??
Hermione- of course not
Y/N-(stands up and starts walking outside to talk to harry)
Hermione- Y/N-
Y/N-(already walks out to harry) hey harry
Harry-oh hey Y/N how are you feeling
Y/N- not so good to be honest
Harry- Im sorry Ron did that to you
Y/N- it's not your fault, don't apologize, its ron the heartless gits fault
Harry- did hermione talk to you
Y/N- a bit but I wasn't in the mood
Harry- I understand, I'll go talk to her if you want me to
Y/N- not right now, I just want to talk to you since I've been kinda isolating myself from you guys mostly hermione and Ron
Harry- of course, I'm always here to talk 
Y/N- thanks harry by the way do you have any progress with destroying the necklace yet
Harry-no not yet and it's also been a little stressful with Ron gone, you and hermione fighting and it's like I'm doing this by myself
Y/N- harry I'm sorry it's just, i told you how long I've liked hermione and when Ron and I were fighting over her and she chose ron that kinda broke me and even if she didn't know I liked her I was her best friend, even when Ron kissed lavender I was there for her
Harry- i get that, it's like how I felt with dean and ginny
Hermione-(over hearing most of their conversation and starts tearing up) 
Y/N- I guess so 
Harry- I'm just glad you're talking to me again
Y/N- I'm honestly glad myself, I've wanted to talk to someone about my problem and your a really good friend to talk to thank you
Harry- it's really not a problem Y/N 
And your welcome
Y/N- (seems to be thinking but then suddenly gasps)
Harry- woah what Y/N
Y/N- I just realized how you could destroy the horcrux 
Harry- what! How
Y/N- harry do you remember in second year when you stabbed tom riddle's diary with the basilisk fang
Harry- yea…(confused)
Y/N- it's the venom which can destroy the horcrux 
Harry- but how are we gonna get the venom
Hermione- (walks closer) with the sword of gryffindor 
Y/N- (glances up) yea…
Harry- that's brilliant Y/N but how are we gonna get the sword of gryffindor 
Y/N- remember in second year where is just popped out of the sorting hat, maybe it just appears when you need it kinda like the room of requirements
Harry- see this is why we needed you Y/N , your brilliant 
Y/N- (for the first time in a while Y/N put a genuine smile on her face) thanks harry 
Harry- well we should rest and talk about it more in the morning
Y/N- yea, you go ahead ill stay out here a little longer I just… want to be…. Alone (whispers) can you take hermione with you inside if she tries to stay out here
Harry- uh yea of course
Hermione- can I stay with you Y/N 
Y/N- not right now
Harry- c'mon hermione let's go inside
Hermione- no Y/N I said I was sorry
Y/N- and I said I didn't want to talk to you
Harry- hermione let's go
Hermione- (sighs and walks in with harry)
Y/N- (sighs) why doesn't anything ever go my way
Hermione-(once inside the tent she starts crying) why did I have to choose Ron I'm such an idiot
Harry-hey it isn't your fault you said it out of pressure
Hermione- but I still chose him (crying) now she want nothing to do with me
Harry- well do you like her
Hermione- well honestly yea
Harry- then why didn't you choose her
Hermione- I don't know, I thought she didn't like me like that and it would've been easier to say yes to Ron
Harry- well she did say she was in love with you so there's your answer
Hermione- but she doesnt anymore I heard your conversation 
Harry- she never said she was over you
Hermione- but she said after the horcrux hunt she want a me to pretend she doesn't exist and to stop talking to her
Harry- well I guess you hurt her that much
Hermione- I want to talk to her but she keeps pushing me away
Harry- I'll talk to her then
Y/N- (gets into the tent just to whisper to harry shes going on a walk)
Harry- (nods)
Y/N- (walks away)
Hermione- what did she say
Harry- she just said shes going on a walk
Hermione- but its night time what if they're werewolves or worse things
Harry- I think she can handle herself
Hermione- (runs out to Y/N) where are you going 
Y/N- on a walk (rolls her eyes)
Hermione- you cant what if there's something that can kill you
Y/N- so be it you've hurt be enough so what can death do to me, it'll make the pain stop 
Hermione- Y/N I said I was sorry
Y/N- but you chose Ron so I dont care
Hermione- I didn't mean to
Y/N- what do you mean
Hermione- I didn't mean to pick Ron I chose Ron out of peer pressure, if I knew you liked me I would've chosen you
Y/N- your lying 
Hermione- no I'm not
Y/N- i'm your best friend, you knew I was your best friend yet you chose Ron (starts walking) now leave me alone
Hermione- Please Y/N-
Hermione- (flinches)
Y/N- I'm sorry but never talk to me ever again
Hermione-(grabs her wrist) please dont go
Y/N- (yanks her hand out of hermione hold and walks away)
Hermione- (starts sobbing) Why is the "brightest which of our age" such an idiot 
Y/N- (starts running back and grabs hermione and pulls her into the tent with a very confused harry)
Harry- Y/N what happened
Y/N- I was going on a walk then suddenly my wand was knocked out of my hand I turned to see a few really dangerous snatcher
Hermione- I told you it wasn't safe
Y/N- be quiet hermione it isn't the time.

(Should I make a part 2?)

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