Prologue -1

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After throwing a knee kick to her opponent infront of her she then charge her fist to the stomach of her opponent in the back who was aiming to attack her....

Jumping over her opponents, throwing kicks and punches and bloods over her fist.

After she take down all her opponents she shake off her messy clothes, she folded her long sleeve shirt upto her elbow level and sighed in content.

"You okay?"
Asked a guy with black hair with alluring onyx eyes and appealing body figure walk towards her

"Yes , Sasuke kun." She replied while wiping her bangs sideways and wipe her sweat away

She is Hinata Hyuuga,a beautiful repulsive girl with a dark blue long hair that reaches the back of her elbow,she have white lavandered unique alluring eyes. Seventeen years old, the vice president of the famed gang in the whole city of Konoha, the Dojutsu gang...

The guy that was with her was Sasuke Uchiha, the president of the famed gang that was mentioned ....

"I was told that handling these trashes are hard. Which part is hard?" Saith Sasuke with a smirk while crossing his arms across his chest

"There are around fifty of them handling the both of us and they didn't even stand a chance..." the blunette replies while counting all the body that collapsed

"Hn-now i know why their gang can't reach our level." Responded Sasuke tapping his toes up to down


"I expected much from them..." grinned Sasuke walking away from Hinata and turn his head towards her "let's go grab some'thn na eat... im hungry."

"Sure..." answered Hinata taking steps towards her dear friend

They didn't know, someone from far away was watching them

Someone from the tallest building in town was watching them fought those fifty men.

"So they are the popular Duo of the 'Dojutsu' gang." He said while folding his tremendous and dour looking telescope

He wipe his blonde hair upwards exposing his cerulean eyes and emphasizing his whiskers

"What do you think my lord? " Asked the silver haired guy behind him

"Not bad...." he said letting himself fall into the couch gazing at the veiw "we will get her tomorrow...."

"We?" Asked the silver haired man

"I am going to come with you, is that a bad idea?" He muttered with a monotone voice and cold and emotionless gaze towards the silver haired man

The silver haired man just vowed his head in response and take his leave after a while

Bieng left alone, the blonde spill a wine to his drinking glass and began shaking it in a circular motion vertically

"I will get you... wait for me... Hyuuga Hinata...."

The next day......
Hinata was walking beside the empty quiet road,while tying up her hair in ponytail, three dour looking cars park infront of her sight...

All the three cars opened up their doors and there were mens with black suits, dark shaded glasses and guns tied up in their hips, they walk towards her
"You are Hinata Hyuuga right?"
Asked the first guy

"Yes i am." She replied crossing both her arms across her chest

"Come with us." Said another guy who aimed to grab her elbow but she abtained him

All the guys in black suits surround her and began pointing their guns towards her

Sighed "okay, okay..." she muttered letting the first guy grab her elbow.

The moment the first guy held her elbow she quickly pulled his gun gripping his neck and pointing the gun towards the side of his forehead

The other guys in black suits got stunned and tighten their stance as they pointed her their guns

"Try to move... and i will shoot this shit here." Muttered Hinata who was smirking

"D-don't m-m-move i don't wan-t to d-d-die! " Stammered the guy who was on Hinata's grip

"What do you want?!" Asked Hinata with bold tone in her voice , she was very confident that they won't shoot her because of her hostage, even at her very first glance at the guy in her grip she knew he was in a higher position than the rest of them... so she have her advantage.. they wouldn't want to get their senpai hurt, right?

No one dared to answer her question so she began to flip her gun to shoot her hostage

"O-okay okay!!!! O-our boss wanted to talk to you..." stuttered the guy on her grip

"Show me your boss!" She ordered shooting one tire each of the three cars

The men i black went on panic and tighten their stance as they pointed the Hyuga maiden each of their guns, they were ready to shoot her incase she will shoot each one of them, it was a hard decision for them to risk the life of the person who was in the higher position than them but it is the better idea than to get themselves killed .

The men in black just look at each other and nodded as if they were communicating, but one thing is really in their mind, and that is to shoot the Hyuga maiden if she ever move once more

It took them awhile for nodding at each others until one of them received a call from the Bluetooth ear phone. After a while of conversation a dour helicopter landed in their sight in a not so far away from the car that the men in black parked

His foot came out first, an expenive male's heels shoes that was made in Paris... and his long legs with black slux , the upper part if his body is weaing a tuxedo... his ocean blue eyes glimmered the moment it got hitted by the sunlight.... his blond silky hair moved everytime the wind in motion touches it ...

The moment he saw the blunette his eyes glimmered, he stopped ped his pace and took a short gaze towards her

Her skin was pale white like a snow and it look soft and sensitive, if you just saw her randomly in the street you wouldn't guess that she is a gang member, her eyes were innocent it's like it was speaking for itself.... she is overall beautiful, not to mention her curvy body that was obvious albeit she was wearing an oversized t-shirt....

He fixed and propered his stance and shake off the both side of his suit...
His silver haired Butler then came out from the other side of the helicopter clipping some pack of papers on his forearm

The silver haired man walk towards Hinata and introduce himself and his Majesty
"I am Kakashi Hatake, the entrusted butler and all time assistant of Naruto Uzumaki.... if you didn't know young lady, he is the most wanted celebrity in the whole Japan..."

"And so?" Hinata chimed

"And so- he want to talk to you over some confidential business..."

Naruto crossed his arms rising an eyebrow "demote your fucking guns men!"he haze as he ordered his men, the moment that the men in black lower their guns Hinata also loosen her grip to the guy but still holding a gun that she stole earlier" i will be frank to you now... i don't want to waste my time over some trash talkings so i will get straight to the point. "He chimed while walking towards the blunette

All the men in black retreated and gave a vow as they saw their grandeur with his butler step forward
"I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend."

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