A malice aforethought. (3)

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They looked at Baoshan Sanren with a bizarre look. The woman looked back. With a snap of her fingers, they all sat without their permission or without knowing. She clapped with her hands and smiled.

"I need your cooperation so that while I explain, there will be no interruption." She said, twirling her golden bracelet around her wrists. "If you have any questions in mind, please speak it out."

The people began murmuring, discussing if they'll believe and trust her, or..not. To be honest, they have no choice but to follow her orders. Plus, she is an immortal, they have zero percent of opportunities to escape her wrath or such.

"Uhm, if we do not wish to cooperate, what will the consequences be?"

Baoshan Sanren chuckled, "Simple, I'll force them to cooperate of course." She continued. "I don't want anyone to skip this matter." She said with a dangerously dark tone that made everyone shiver.

Her mood changes once again. "Well then." She looked at her assistant and nodded as a signal. The assistant raised her hands and what appeared as a portal.

The crowd was shocked, the others stayed the same as if they've expected something like that to happen.

When the portal appeared, dozens of people were coming out of it.



A woman in purplish robes along with a man with yellow robes and a Vermillion mark on his forehead walked straight out of the portal. She has a pleasant smile.

Wei WuXian widened his eyes, "Shijie.." His pace was moderately slow until he ran full speed. As the same goes for Jiang Cheng.



Their shouts caught the woman's attention, her eyes widen immediately, her eyes were full of crystal-like mist. Tears. She ran towards them and the three crashed ad they hug tightly, not letting go.

"Oh, A-Cheng. A-Xian. My XianXian." She sobbed, patting both of her vulnerable younger brothers.

Wei WuXian clutched her robes like a toddler. "Shijie..!" He sobbed, crying harder.

Jiang Cheng cried silently.

Jiang Yanli sighed softly, she missed them so much. She turned to Lan Wangji, mouthing a 'thank you' at him for taking care of him. The other nodded appreciatively.

The three cried all together, admiring the warmth at each other. However,

"Your..your-your my...A-Niang?" Jin Ling stared at her with wide eyes.

Jiang Yanli looked at her with a glint of happiness and a tender look.

She breathed. "A-Ling..yes. Yes, that's me. I'm your A-Niang."

Jin Ling started crying. He never thought that a moment like this would happen. Meeting his mother was a dream come true. Just by hearing her voice, he could hear the same tone Wei WuXian would use whenever he would call him. It was so nice to hear her voice. Delicate and soft.

He crashed his body at her, hugging her making the tears on him drip down on her robes.

"Are you not gonna greet your A-Die?" A voice appeared behind them.

Jin Ling looked at him, his snot and tears were smeared on his face like a child crying over a toy. He rubbed his red nose and walked towards his A-Die for a hug. The other gladly accepted it.

"You took great care of my sword, hm?" Jin ZiXuan chuckled lightly.

Jiang Yanli also came over to hug them two, "He did."

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