Prologue of the story. (4)

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Baoshan Sanren sighed happily as she watched the people cry once they saw their dead relatives and families. If it weren't for her, they would probably still mourn for their dead members.

She looked over at the Jiangs and glared at a certain someone.

'Yu Ziyuan. I won't forgive the things you did to my grandson. I'll make you experience what my grandson went through because of you.' She thought.

Baoshan Sanren walked towards her assistant to settle some things before she'll announce their main purpose of being here.

Once she finished speaking, she clapped her hands making the crowd's attention stay on her.

"Everyone. As you can see, I've given you a chance to see your dead families and relatives. Surely, you'll accept what I'll be suggesting for?" She said loud and clear.

The crowd began murmuring, deciding to agree or not. Once the murmurs stopped, it was clear that they've finally decided.

"We agree. We will do as we were told."

Baoshan Sanren smirked sheepishly as she gestured, creating a white light between her palms. She raised her hands and the white light exploded, creating a rectangular shape floating in the air.

The crowd's eyes twinkled at the sight, amazed by it.

With the last and final touch, Baoshan Sanren looked pleased with her work as she faced the crowd in front of her.

"Then, if you agree, the only thing I want you all to do is to watch what was shown in front of you." She pointed out the screen.

Everyone immediately agreed to her words, they only have to sit and watch, right?

Of course, they obediently sat. Scared to what the consequences are if they disobey an immortal.

“Great news! Wei WuXian has died!”

Wei Wuxian flinched at the familiarity, he looked at his grandmother with a displeased look.

Baoshan Sanren assured him with an apologetic expression.

The people murmured, confused or concerned. Trying to process what was on the screen in front of them.

Baoshan Sanren sighed. "Please, settle down." She looked at her assistant, "continue."

“The YiLing Patriarch has died? Who could have killed him?”

The crowd finally understood what the purpose of the screen. However, they find it useless. Unless, there is something that Immortal Sanren wanted to show something?

Neither of them spilled their thoughts. Obviously, cautious about their actions because maybe there are words that might offend her.

One of the stubborn mortals whispered too loudly, "Didn't the Sandu Shengshou kill YiLing Laozu?"

The person beside him responded, "Yes."

“Who other than his shidi, Jiang Cheng, putting an end to his own relative for the greater good. Jiang Cheng led the Four Clans of YunmengJiang, LanlingJin, GusuLan, and QingheNie to destroy his “den”—LuanZang Hill.”

Jiang Cheng looked at Wei WuXian with a guilty look, he looked sincere about it.

Jiang Cheng had been admitting his guilt
and faults to Wei WuXian. After the revealing of the Golden core, he was sick in his stomach when he found out that the core inside him, wasn't his.

He has been blaming himself until he moved on after the two talked. Their bond turned back to normal. No awkwardness left.

Wei WuXian smiled back, reassuring him that everything's fine.

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