Chapter One - Today Begins This Mess

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     You've been on this on this meteor for about a human month now. It wouldn't be that bad if someone talked to you. But no, everyones busy doing something. Kanaya is busy crushing on Rose and vise versa, Terezi is occupied with her kissmesitude with Gamzee, Dave is ALWAYS busy with the mayor. And you, you have nothing to do!!! You think it seems unfair that no one barley even hangs out with you. It's understandable really. No one. AND I MEAN NO ONE wants to hang out with a troll who yells at people and gets angry at the most simplest things. Even Eridan- wait shit Eridans dead... EVEN KANAYA wouldn't like to hang out with you.

     You sigh as you lay down on your human bed. Your stomach grumbles so you slowly get up and make your way to the nutritionblock. No one pays any mind to you. Well except the Mayor, he simply waved at you and of course you wave back at him with a small smile plastered on your face. You get a few candies from one of the cabinets and a cup of Sprite and head back to your room.

     You start eating a few of the candies and take a big gulp of the beverage. You keep doing this till your done eating. You look around your room in hopes to find something to do. You eventually feast your eyes on a drawing tablet. You take a closer look and realize it was Nepeta's. One of your deceased friends.

     It does this wierd thing where drawing a nearby item on it results in the captchaloguing of that item. Even if the drawing is a meaningless scribble, the Scribblepad will associate it with an item. If the Captchaloguing of an item that is not nearby is attempted, a ghost image of it will be captchalogued instead. Ghost images are unusable. but have the same Captchalogue codes as their real counterparts.

     You start scribbling nonsense on the tablet and then check your sylladex. A cookie.. paper... earing... and a full Faygo bottle. You shrug and take a look at the earing. Probably Rose or Kanaya's, you'll return it to them later. You eat the cookie wondering if you just stole a cookie from some troll or humans bare hands. The paper you put it on your desk and for the Faygo bottle,, you've never been to fond of the drink so you captchalouge it and put it in your sylladex.

     You grab a paper and a pencil and drawing. You start drawing your dead friends... Equius, Nepeta, Feferi, Tavros, Eridan and Vriska. Along with your NOT DEAD friends except everyone is happy and Gamzee is high out of his mind in your artwork. This drawing was based on the picture that is currently sitting on your desk. It was took during the beginning of your session of Sgrub.

     You start to notice your vision start to get blurry and it's probably because of the tears starting to round up in your eyes. You quickly rub eyes and put the unfinished drawing on the desk next to the photo is was based on.
You leave the room and find Kanaya reading a book on the couch. But Rose is not with her. And Dave and the Mayor are no longer watching the movie. They're probably in Can Town. You decide to ask her if she wants to hang out and watch a movie. So you begin walking over to her. "HEY KANAYA, I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WANTED TO HANG OUT AND WATCH A MOVIE MAYBE?" You say scratching the back of your neck for comfort. "I Am Sorry Karkat But I Do Really Want To Finish This Book. Maybe Another Time?" You mentally scold and curse at yourself for doing something that dumb. "OH OKAY. IT'S FINE." You wave goodbye at her and she does the same.
You walk over the nutrition block to get a snack once again. And run into Terezi. "OH H3Y K4RKL3Z" She Terezi yells. "HI TEREZI." You say back as you grab a cookie. "H4V3 YOU S33N GAMZ33 4NYWH3R3?" Terezi says trying to pat his back but instead ending up slaping it pretty hard. "NO." You reply. You softly sigh and begin eating the cookie. "TH4T DUMB JUGGULO STOL3 MY BR4!! 1F YOU KNOW WH3R3 H3 1S SP1LL TH3 B34NS!!" Terezi says with anger filling her voice. "I REALLY DON'T KNOW." You say following it with a soft sigh. Terezi nodded. "ALR1GHT K4RKL3Z! S33 YOU L4T3R!" See said as she ran probably towards her or Gamzee's respite block. You sit on the counter as you shove the cookie in your mouth.

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