+Chapter 3+

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+Liv's P.O.V

The next morning I woke to my alarm clock, I sat up groggy and still tried. I had a shower washing my hair, brushed my teeth and put my school uniform on, a black, red and white tartan skirt that ended mid thigh, a white button up shirt and a black cardigan, I let my hair dry natural and braided my fringe and put on white eyeliner and strawberry lip balm.

"Morning" I smiled as I walked into the kitchen "Morning Liv" mum smiled too she was dressed in a cream blouse that tucked into her high waisted gun metal grey skirt "You look nice mum" I said as I sat at the table to eat a muffin I grabbed from the counter "Thank you, I'm nervose thought" She confessed  "You'll do fine" I encouraged taking a bite "Where's M.j?" I asked "I forgot to tell you, the lady across the road Mrs. Adler's son Joel goes is the same age as M.J, yesterday they came over to introduce themselves, she offered to take him and pick him up from school since they live across the street" Mum said "That's nice" I said "Arg...look at the time i'm going to be late" mum said as she sat her mug in the sink and kissed my on the cheek "Good luck today Liv" she smiled "You too" I smiled back

I put on my shoes black ballet flats and my school bag a black oversized hand bag and left locking the door behind me. the school was about a 7 minute walk from my house, as i got closer to the school seeing all the students made me a little nervose, were was Jade, Caleb and Koby (my heart thudded).

The building was not what i was expecting it had lots of trees and gardens the building itself was a big and dark brick something you would see in a posh university in England "Wow" I said to myself as I walked up the path there was a big hill area were lots of kids were sitting and staring at 'the new girl' trying to find the office, "Hey Liv" a guy called from behind I turned it was Caleb with 2 other guys, they were dressed in black pants with a white button up shirt a red, white and black tartan tie and a black blazer with H.P imbrued on it in red on the pocket, Caleb had his red baseball cap on and he had red converse on they all had skateboards, "Hey Caleb" I smiled "So you must be the girl Caleb won't shut up about" a guy with nice fair skin, brown eyes a mop of dark brown hair and a baby face said "Now I know why" the other a rough looking guy with a mohawk smirked "Guy's, guy's leave the poor girl alone" Caleb joked "This is Benji" Caleb said pointing to the boy with the mohawk "...And this is Tommy" he said pointing to the other fair skin boy "Nice to meet you" I said shaking there hands "So I need your help?" I asked "Anything" Caleb said emphasizing 'anything' "Can you show me were the office is I need my class schedule" I said "Sure follow me, go find the other boy's" Caleb said taking my hand and we walked up a stone path alone.

"Yesterday was fun" Caleb smiled "Yeah you and Koby were my hero's although I swear I was about to kick there arse" I joked "As if" he laughed putting his arm around around me not in a sleazy way I think that was Caleb very friendly and outgoing.

We walked up a set of step's until we reached a smaller dark building with double glass doors, "Good morning Ms. Mathews your looking very lovely today" Caleb chirped "Ahh Mr Winters...who is this poor girl?" Ms. Mathews the old lady behind the desk laughed "Liv...I mean Olive Hartley, today is her first day" Caleb gave me a smiled "And i see you haven't scared her off?" she laughed "Not yet" he winked "So what can i help you with?" Ms Mathews asked "I need my class schedule" I smiled "Won't be a moment" she said gettin up and walking into another room. Caleb and I chatted randomly until Ms Mathews came back with my schedule "Thank you" I smiled "See you soon Ms M" Caleb teased as we walked out the door.

"Show me that for a moment" Caleb asked I handed him my schedule not that I really understood it yet he took a red sharpie from his pocket and started drawing on my schedule "Do I have to get a new one?" I joked "No" he looked and grinned "Here I marked the classes I'm in with youin red" he said giving it back "Gym, History, English and sex ed.....they have sex ed?" I read "Yep, come on let's get to class" He said as we walked to our first history class.

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