+Chapter 5+

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+Liv's P.O.V

The next morning, I decided to change my look a little I striatened my hair and clipped my fringe back with silver and purple barrettes, I wore a little more make-up, and wore a pair of my black legging's underneath my skirt.

Mum had already left so did M.j so I went to make a slice of toast. I put 2 slices in and pushed the toaster down. Then the door bell rang, it was Caleb "Caleb....Hey what are you doing here? I mean how do you know were i live?" I asked he walked in and looked around "Nice place" he smiled "You didn't answer my question?" I said "Oh right, Jade told me were you live and I just thought maybe you want to skate with me to school?" he said smiling "Sure, have you had breakfast?" I asked "Yeah but I'm alway's hungry" he laughed "Toast?" I asked just as it popped up "Sounds good" he winked "Strawberry or blackcurrant jam?" I asked "Whatever you have" he answered "Strawberry" I said buttering the toast and smothering jam on them we sat at my table to eat.

Then I put my ballet flats on and grabbed my board in my room, "Nice room" Caleb said from behind frighting me....."ARG! Caleb you scared me" I gasped "Sorry" he walked closer "Do you know how beautiful you are" he added still walking towards me "Caleb you need glasses" I joked but it wasn't funny and then I laughed nervosly "I can see perfectly" he said tucking a piece of loose hair behind my ear then he lent down and kissed me softly I was frozen but then I move mine like his, he tasted like strawberry jam and he placed his hand on my waist, my arms were at my sides, this was my second ever, they only other time I had kissed a boy was last year, when Jamie a boy who I surfed with asked me to the movies and he pecked me on the lips in the dark but we banged haeds at the same time, I could feel Caleb's tongue poking trying to enter my month as his body pushed closer into mine, I let him kiss me softly once more then I pushed him away "Come on were going to be late for school" I said grabbing my board then we walked out Caleb smirking while I blushed.

The kiss was nice; my first kiss was an epic failure. I wasn't expecting it I liked Caleb that I knew but I liked Koby more. I was confused guy's hit on me all the time but I never paid attention to it, I needed to talk to Jade pronto I thought as we skated in silence to school Caleb had a huge grin on his face.

"Thanks for coming to school with me" I smiled "Well thanks for breakfast and that...kiss" he smiled "Um...yeah I have to go put my skateboard in my locker then ask Jade about art class but I'll see you at lunch" I smiled then walked away as I seen Koby and Victoria walk hand in hand in our direction, I turned once to see Koby staring at me then he dropped Victoria's hand then she walked off.

+Caleb's P.O.V 

I kissed her I knew she would kiss me back maybe we could take thing's further on the weekend..."Hey" Koby's voice boomed "Arr hey man" I smiled "Your in a good mood?" he laughed "Yeah that's beacuse I kissed Liv this morning" I smiled "What" Koby said dropping Victoria's hand "I'm going to find Heather" she said as she stormed off "When?" he asked again "This morning I went to her house and we had breakfast then I followed her into her room..." I started "Then what?" he cut me off sounding kind of panicked "I kissed her" I laughed "Oh! her lips felt like soft angel wing's and she tasted of the sweetest honey, no other kiss can compare" I smiled.

+Koby's P.O.V

".....No other kiss can compare" He gloated, my best friend had kissed the girl I liked and was telling me hoe beautiful her lips were, since the first night I met her I had been dreaming of nothing but kissing those full lips of her's, this sucked I have a girlfriend I shouldn't be thinking like this I should be happy for Caleb, Then why did I want to punch him in the face so bad!

+Liv's P.O.V

"Jade there you are ! I need your help" I panicked as she turned and smiled "What can I do for you?" "Caleb came to my house this morning and we kissed!" I exclaimed "Ok calm down it was just a kiss right?" she said raising her eye brow's "Yeah" I nodded "Then why are you so worked up" she asked "I like Koby I feel so bad" I admitted "You have done nothing to feel guilty for, Koby has a girlfriend" she said "Yeah your right again" I smiled calming down "Did you like it?" she asked devilishly "Yes I did, I kinda like Caleb too" I gushed "Did he use tongue?" she pushed "He tried but I pushed him away...gently" I laughed.

I walked into history with Caleb's eyes locked onto mine we both smiled at each other when I took my seat. "Hey guy's" I said greeting Caleb and Micah "Hey Liv" Micah smiled as Caleb winked at me making me blush. "Ok class we have a pop quiz" Mr. Summers Boomed "Hat off Mr. Winters" he added as Caleb took his red L.A baseball cap off and sat it infront of him. "Take a test and pass it along" he said passing a heap test's to the front row. I raised my hand "Yes Miss Hartley?" Mr. Summers asked "Today is only my second day can't I be excused, Beacuse I won't know everything" I said "You can't get out of it that easy if you did your homework last night the test is based on the chapter you read" Mr. Summers laughed, just my luck I was to busy with my new secret lifeto do my homework "Ok" I nodded, as the girl infront of me turned and handed me a test "Thanks" I whispered.

I already knew I would fail when I read the test questions over I really should have read the chapter but I forgot, I wrote any answer that made sense. "Time's up, pass the test to the person in front of you and read quitly while I grade them now" Mr. Summers said as I passed my test to the same girl. "I've so failed" I whispered to Caleb "Don't worry you'll do fine" he smiled positively.

We sat quietly for a while and read until Mr. Summers handed the papers out "I'm disappointed in some of you" he said then he added "Liv I need you to stay back for just a moment" the bell rang I looked down at my paper a big red C- stuck out'oh crap!' I thought "Yes sir" I said "I'll see you at lunch" Caleb said rubbing my back. Then theroom was empty besides Mr. Summers and I, he sat at his desk so I sat in the first row of seats in front of him "Did I do somthing wrong?" I said timidly "I'm not going to lie I think you could of done better on the test, I think I want to arrange a meeting with your parent's tomorrow" He said "Please sir I'll do better" I begged "Your not in trouble Liv I just want to discus some of your grades at your old school" He laughed "Oh...is that all?" "Yes" he nodded "Ok, well mum will be able to make it, I'll see you tomorrow" I half smiled "Oh..before I forget heres your book back" I said lifting the book out of my handbag "Keep it I can get another" He smiled "Sure?" I asked "Positive, now you better get to your next class" He smiled "Thanks Mr. Summers" I said walking off.

The rest of the day went fast I passed on the skate park today even though I was dying to skate, I was half way home when I heard my name "LIV.....LIV WAIT UP" they shouted I stoped my board it was Koby. My heart thudded, he ran toward's me, he was really hot perfect even..."Liv" he called again as he reached meout of breath i loved the way he said my name "i've got to fucking quite smoking" he puffed I laughed "Hey" I smiled "Hey want me to walk with you?" He asked, wow a cute boy walk me home and one to take me this morning, I was lucky "Sure" I tried to flirt sweetly, I picked up my board but Koby took it of me and my handbag too "Your a gentleman" I joked "Of cores" he laughed.

WE walked in silence for a while, but Koby had a look on his face like he needed to ask me somthing "What is it Koby?" I asked "What?' he played dumb "I'm not stupid out with it" he waited a minute "Ok...ok did you kiss Caleb this morning?" he blurted out, my heart jumped "He kissed me" I ststed it wasn't a lie he did initiate the kiss, "Did you kiss him back" he pressed, I sighed "Yes I did" I admitted "Well, do you like him now?" he asked "Yes...no arg! I don't know, why do you want to know?" I asked as we reached my house and we sat on the brick fence "Because I'm jealous" he mumbled was I hearing thing's right? Did he just say jealous "What! why?" I squealed "Liv...I..um...I really, really like you" he blushed my heart pounded hard like it would burst, "I like you too" I admitted he looked up into my eyes and smiled then slowly moved closer it felt like slow motion then he gently kissed me on the lips softly but quickly then he got up, we both blushed "I'll see you tomorrow" he smiled I was speechless my fingers lighly brushed over my lips were moments ago Kobys had been this made Koby's smile widen, I was in cloud nine until somthing rain on my parade....VICTORIA.

+Hope you like it, check out the cast ----> tell me if you think they fit the discription or if you have any other idea's for my other story's Savannah's promise and Love at first bite: my immortal beloved V--V and what they look like 

Well I'm off to watch Jersey Shore ^_^ 

vote and comment please take care

xox Lauren :)

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