Chapter 1: Beginning of Adventure And Problem Children From Another World

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I need a art of Real Glitch so i need you guy help to draw her.


POV Real Glitch:

I was flying around doing nothing but in my mind was think of something that I hate the most.

Is Boredom.

Real Glitch:"So bore, i have nothing to do but fly around the area"I said while i was flying around in her True Unknown Boundless Dimension.

Then she has a idea.

Real Glitch:"I have a great idea. I should adventure the entire All Verse, Wiki, Fandom, Dimension and such"I said as I teleport to a random Omniverse.

(Author:"What could goes wrong?)

After I teleport to a random world as i began to summon my panel to see what world am i at.


Negative: Good
Positive: Good
Life: Good
Death: Good
Energy: Good

Omniverse: Problem Children From Another World

Multiverse: Original

Planet: Earth

State: Japan

Location: Tokyo City

Real Glitch:"So i'm in Problem Children From Another World. This would be interesting"I said as i desummon her panel.

Then I began to walk around the Tokyo City as i instantly stop time.

Real Glitch:"I forgot to change my human form"I said as i began to turn into my human form.

My human form face is very beautiful that can't be beaten any female beauty with long red and blue highlight hair. Both of my eyes is blue and red also my cup size is D.

I was wearing white short shirt long sleeve with black strip and white short pant as i began to unfreeze time.

Then she walk around the Tokyo City which cause a lot of people look at me while whispering.

Man 1:"Who is she?"While blushing.

Woman 1:"She look beautiful"

Man 2:"I would like to be girlfriend"While blushing.

Man 3:"Same"While blushing.

Woman 2:"I would like to marry her"

But i ignore the whisper as i walk up to the cafe store then i began to open the cafe store which make a ringing sound of the bell.

As i walk up toward the cashier while people look at me then cashier look at me which make her shock to see my beautiful face.

Cashier:"Um... What is your order?"He asked.

Real Glitch:"I would like a normal coffee"I said.

Cashier:"Okay, coffee that it ?"He asked.

Real Glitch:"Yes"I said.

Cashier:"Okay and sit one of the small table outside"He said.

Real Glitch:"Okay"I said as i open the cafe store door which make a ringing sound again as i sit one of the small table.

Then i began to waiting for my coffee as i was waiting and then i began to hear a lot of people whisper about me but i ignore the whisper.

Couple minutes later, then a woman dress in maid costume walk toward me while holding a cup of coffee as she place a cup of coffee right on the table.

Real Glitch AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now