Chapter 2: MHA Omniverse (Short)

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POV Real Glitch:

Then i began to look around to see i was on top of the building as i began to summon my panel to see what world am i at.

(Author:"She is wearing white short shirt long sleeve with black strip and white short pant")


Negative: Good
Kinda Good
Life: Good
Death: Good
Energy: Kinda Good

Omniverse: MHA

Multiverse: Original

Universe: Original

Planet: Earth

State: Japan

Location: Hosu City

Timeline: Sludge Villain Attack Tatooin Shopping District And Holding Bakugo Katsuki Hostage.

Real Glitch:"I'm in MHA and Sludge Villain is in Tatooin Shopping District"I said as i began to feel the fire right next to me.

As i began to turn to my left to see the Tatooin Shopping District is smoking.

Then i began to see Yu Takeyama hero name is Mount Lady, Shinji Nishiya hero name is Kamui Woods and other pro heroes is fighting Sludge Villain.

Real Glitch:"All Might is at his limit"I said as i wear my mask and hood to hide my identity.

Then i began to see Izuku began to attack the Sludge Villain with his backpack which cause Sludge Villain attack Izuku.

Real Glitch:"Look like i have to help them"I said as i instantly disappear right in front of Izuku.

Then i immediately block the attack from Sludge Villain with my laser beam which cause everyone shock to see me block the Sludge Villain attack.

Before they could say anything as i began to kick the Sludge Villain hard which cause him to let go Bakugo Katsuki.

Then i began to punch him up in the air which the Sludge Villain flying as i began to fire ten powerful blue bone at Sludge Villain to stop his movement.

Real Glitch:"If you move, you will get hurt while the blue bone is on your body"I said as i fall to the ground slowly.

Then i instantly seal the Sludge Villain in the unopened bottle as i turn around to see Toshinori Yagi Heroes name All Might is in his buff form.

Real Glitch:"Welp, bye"I said as i instantly disappear before anyone could say anything but one of the camera recorded the fight.


Everyone is shocked at the strength Real Glitch has displayed.

Izuku Midoriya:"What quirk was that?"He asked.

Toshinori Yagi:"What a power"He said while in shock as everyone snapped back to reality and then All Might grab the bottle that Sludge Villain is in.

Then all of the pro heroes that was fighting Sludge Villain began to talk privately that no one can hear.

Pro Heroes 1:"That's woman took down that Sludge Villain easily like it was nothing"He said which make all of the pro heroes nod.

Pro Heroes 2:"It be possible that she maybe has that same strength as All Might?"He asked.

Toshinori Yagi:"I think so or maybe higher"He said while head down which make all of the pro heroes shock as he began to thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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