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' As they walked through the huge palace, they got to know each other more. They found similarities and found differences within each other's preferences. 'So..can you tell me why you had my room key?.. If it's okay to tell' she starts, still wanting to learn more about him and this realm, 'Well...you know' He states, looking down at her, he faces his back north and his face south, to look at her from a more pleasing view. 'In this realm, I'm yours' Yunho continues, she tilts her head, not knowing what he meant but "yours" ,he laughs a bit, 'Yours as in your boyfriend' He states, Still walking backwards, she thought "he must know this palace if he is that confident he won't bump into a pillar or so" though she was still shocked by the sudden discovery of what Yunho and her relationship was. 'Ah- alright...' She answers. He turns back around and whispered, 'I wish you could stay, but its best if you don't' 'hm?..' She says, 'Ah, nothing. Uh, anyway, we're approaching my area. I've got to warn you though...it's very hot in there' '

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