Chapter 3

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Kokichi/Venti POV

Okay, so the only thing I need to do is contact the Knights of Favonious and tell them about what I have learnt. It wasn't too much really. It was stuff like being more suspicious of unknown people and this shit. Well damn I will probably be swearing for a while when I return.


-Time skip to evening-


Kokichi was in his room doing artifacts while the others were having a party in one of the dorms like any other weekend. Kokichi was sad that they just forgot about him, but he got used to it. As he was getting distracted by doing the artifacts, others were having fun in Kaito's room. As their party ended, Kaito told them: "Guys, today I was supposed to call that filthy liar to launch, but when I came in front of his dorm I heard him speaking with someone else. It was a woman. Her name was Jean. Do you know something about her? Also she addressed Kokichi by the name Venti." At this the whole room fell silent. "Venti? What an unusual name." Shuichi mumbled to himself. The occupants were now confused. How can that liar contact someone from here? He doesn't deserve it. It should have been Shuichi or just someone else. They also haven't heard of the name Venti at all. All they needed to do is find more information.

Kokichi/Venti POV
As I ended doing my artifacts I still could hear the blasting music in Kaito's room. I couldn't contact Jean like this. She wouldn't hear me too well. So I started killing that time. I knew the lyrics to that song so I started singing it and adding more of lyre-music into it. Most of the people would find it weird or just messy, but I don't. I see it unique in my own way. Suddenly the music stopped. I quickly ran to the corner of the room and started communicating with The Knights of Favonious. Jean went somewhere so I had to wait. When she returned, I started reporting (no he isn't playing Among us:) ) the current situation. As she asked me questions and I answered them, I could hear a quiet sounds in front of the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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