Chapter 2

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"Daddy," Morgan began as I tucked her into bed. "When are you gonna tell me more about auntie Y/n?"

"Well, some of my friends knew her really well and they agreed to have dinner here tomorrow night. At dinner, they can answer some questions, even more than I can answer." I replied. "But first, you need to sleep. Goodnight, pumpkin."

"Goodnight." She smiled and clasped her eyes shut.

I walked out and sat by Pepper on the couch. "She loves hearing about her. She thinks it's super cool that Y/n has superpowers." She told me.

"I know. She never stops asking me all about her." I laughed.

"I hope you find her soon, Tony. I think she and Morgan would get along great." She smiled.

"I know they would." I chuckled. My smile faded slightly. "It's gonna break her heart if I don't find Y/n. Mine too."

"I know. That's why you're gonna find her. I know you will." She reassured me.

The next day we prepared for dinner. Pepper and I cooked up a nice meal for everyone while Morgan bounced around, excited to hear more.

"So, Tony, who's all coming over?" Pepper asked.

"Steve is bringing Barnes, and Natasha is picking up Wanda." I explained.

"They all know auntie Y/n?" Morgan asked.

"They sure do, they met her before I got to meet her!" I joked.

We finally had the table set as Barnes and Rogers arrived.

"I'll get it!" Pepper called out as they knocked. "Steve, James, thank you guys so much for doing this. You have no idea how excited she is. Come on in." Pepper welcomed.

"We're happy to, besides who could turn down a home-cooked meal." Steve smiled.

"James, you can take your jacket off. It's pretty warm out." Pepper insisted.

"You can call me Bucky, and I'll just keep it on thank you." Barnes politely declined. "I don't want to scare her."

"Barnes, it's okay. You can take it off." I added as I walked over with Morgan.

Barnes took off his jacket revealing his vibranium arm. I understand him being conscious of not wanting to scare Morgan, but she's got a dad that plays in a big iron suit and an aunt with superpowers. The metal arm will be the least of her fears.

"I like your arm. Does it shoot lasers?" Morgan asked.

Barnes chuckled. "No, it's just a fancy metal arm."

"Oh well, my dad's metal ones shoot lasers." Morgan added. "You know my auntie right? What do you know about her?"

"We'll talk about it at dinner, honey. We're still waiting on more friends." I added.

There was another knock on the door and Pepper opened it to reveal Natasha. "Hey guys, sorry I'm a little late." She greeted with a smile. "Are we ready to eat?"

"Where's Maximoff?" I asked.

"She couldn't make it." Romanoff awkwardly replied. Everybody began walking towards the table and she leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I'll talk to her about it, she still needs some convincing to come back around her."

I was a bit bummed out that Maximoff wasn't coming. I understood why, honestly. After the previous battle with Hydra, she began to blame herself for Y/n being taken. She says that if she hadn't gotten hurt Y/n wouldn't have joined the fight. I think she would've joined no matter what happened. Either way, Maximoff hasn't been around much since they took Y/n. I was excited for her to tell Morgan some of the stories about Y/n since they worked as equals. Y/n wasn't 'Prodigy' around her. Plus I don't think anybody else would be able to explain Y/n's abilities, what better way to explain them than to example your own.

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