Chapter 26

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I knocked twice on Y/n's door. "Come in." She responded.

"Could you follow me up to the med lab? I just have to do a check up again, nothing serious." I asked.

She nodded her head and began following me up the stairs. "So that room was my bedroom at one point?" She asked.

"It sure was, Tony had it built specifically for you. Your first day here your abilities," I paused for a moment as I thought of how to word this. I didn't want her to think we were scared of her the way we were back then. "Well, you got overwhelmed. Tony made the room an environment where you can safely use your abilities as needed. All the furniture is bolted in place, and the entire room has its own separate energy. If you were to absorb the energy out of that room the rest of the building would be untouched."

"That's amazing." She sat on the medical bed. "So, this Tony guy, he's some sort of technological genius then?"

"It runs in his family." I smiled. She truly has no idea who he is. She has no idea how similar they are.

I began with the basics of checking her pulse. "You seem really familiar." She began as I checked her blood pressure. "Did I know you too?"

"Sort of, we were never super close though." I answered vaguely.

She stared blankly for a moment. I looked down at the blood pressure measurement then back at her. "Your nose is bleeding." I said as I grabbed her a tissue.

As I went to wipe the blood she stopped my hand and grabbed my wrist. "You experimented on me." She coldly let out. "You injected me with something, what another serum? You're with them aren't you?!" She shouted before running out of my lab.

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