I feel terrible today. I've literally just started this new chapter of my life and I'm already unhappy. I wish I wasn't this complicated. Also, I might be getting my period soon, so that could be affecting my mood. It's one of those days that you don't wanna talk to anybody. That you get mad if anyone tries to engage in a conversation with you. I feel frustrated. Like nothing's ever gonna be right for me. Nothing's ever gonna be enough, because I'm not enough. I can't handle these situations the way I should. I'm doing everything by the book, and still, something had to go wrong. Great, right? I hope I start to feel better throughout the day. We'll see.
a diary. or something like that.
De Todoi'm going through some big changes in my life at the moment. i don't really feel like telling anyone i know about things that go wrong. don't want them to worry or tell me everything's gonna be okay. writing makes me feel like i'm telling someone an...