Waking Up

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⚠️TW: Cursing

???'s POV

I groaned as I opened my eyes, the world was dark around me, 'What happened?' I mentally ask myself. I can't remember anything, not even my name. Soon I became more aware of my surroundings and realized I was laying in grass, I lifted myself up off the ground and felt a sharp, dizzying pain shoot through my head. After a few minutes the pain was gone so I looked around.

It was a lightly wooded area with a campfire and a few logs around it. As I looked closer I noticed six lifeless bodies around me, "What the hell?" I asked myself as I walked towards the closest bodies. They had a few strands of brown hair in their face, I moved it out of the way and tapped them on the cheek, avoiding their fluffy beard, trying to wake them up, "Hey," I continued tapping, "Wake up."

Their eyes sluggishly opened, "Huh?" Their eyes were a deep brown, "Who are you?" They asked as they sat up.

"I...I cant remember...do you know who you are?" I asked them, they shook their head. "Well...can you help me wake these other people up?"

"Yeah, I can do that," I helped them up, they walked over to a person with long blue hair and started shaking them. I went over to a person with ginger hair and tapped their face, their eyes shot open and they sat up immediately, "Who the fuck are you!" He asked, his accent was heavy British and actually took me by surprise.

"Um...I don't know..." I responded, "Who are you?" He stopped and thought for a second, the squinted at me.

He tisked, "Why the hell would I tell you that?" He stood up and walked to a tree, crossing his arms and leaning on it. I rolled my eyes and went over to the next person. The next person had brown hair, a beard, circular glasses and was also a bit chubby. I tapped on his face and watched as his eyes fluttered open, "Hello?" He asked, "Wha? Where am I?" He sat up and held his head.

"Are you okay?" I asked placing my hand onto the part of his head he was holding, he hissed in pain.

"No it feels like someone beat me over the head with a bat,"

"I wish I had something that could help, but I don't, sorry,"

He shook his head, "It's all good...um...I'd tell you my name but I cant remember what it is,"

"Yeah, I don't think anyone here knows who they are...but...you look familiar..."

I stopped for a second, "Now that you say that, you look familiar too," I looked around, "Actually everyone here looks oddly familiar," He looked around then nodded in agreement.

Now that I was actually looking around it seemed like everyone who was also unconscious woke up and was now sitting around the fire. I joined the group, the guy standing over by the tree also came over.

We all sat there in an awkward silence before the guy I woke up first spoke, "So...none of us remember who we are?" Everyone agreed, "Alright..." He stopped talking and we all stared at the camp fire.

The silence was gruesome and uncomfortable to sit through. A feeling lined my gut, the feelings of dread and paranoia mixed together into one unfathomable, abomination of emotion. I glanced behind me, "You good?"

I looked to my left, the man with glasses tilted his head as he questioned me, "Huh? Oh yeah...I just...felt like someone was watching me," I trailed off back to the woods, two neon red balls of light pierced through the darkness. My eyes went wide, I whipped my head back to the man with glasses who was staring into the woods with the same bewildered eyes. "What the fuck is that?" I whisper shouted at him.

He glanced at me, "I...I have no clue." We watched as the balls of light disappeared into the woods. The man next to me held my hand, his nails digging into my skin, "Michael," He said out loud, holding my hand even tighter, "My name's Michael."

"Did you remember?" I asked him in a hushed voice, he nodded, "It was those things wasn't it?" He nodded again, not taking his eyes off the woods.

The ground underneath us began to rumble, the roar of the Earth practically split my ear drums. Michael pulled me into him, holding me closely to his chest in a protective manner. Everyone was screaming until the ground stopped shaking, once it stopped Michael let go of me. He pointed right of me, I looked to where he was pointing. There was an dark gray iron gate there now, "Well then, I think we should go there."

"No way! Have you ever seen a horror movie?! That's certain fucking death!" The ginger man shouted.

"No, actually I don't remember watching horror movies, do you?"

We all turned our heads towards the ginger man, who's eyes were widened with fear, "Uhm," He glanced his eyes at me then back to the rest of the group before sighing, "Yeah, I do."

"How?" The first man I woke up asked, "Also why? Why do YOU know and the rest of us don't."

"I don't know how or why I know, it just came back to me while I was over in the woods; but still, we shouldn't go in that fuckin gate unless we all wanna end up stabbed and having our organs be eaten by random ass bears or random ass cannibal rednecks!"

"Should we go into the woods then...um...what's your name?"

"David, and yeah, we should," Just as he said that long tendril like spears launched out of the ground, blocking us from going anywhere but the gate. "Never mind then! I guess we're going to the creepy fuckin gate!"

And so we began walking towards the gate.

1014 words


So? How'd you like it so far? Lemmie know what theories, ideas or even any criticisms you have! I'm always open to criticism, just as long as it more advice and not saying, "Ew this story sucks."

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