To A Captain Gone

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TW: Cursing (why wouldn’t there be), guns, blood, death, panic attack/mental break down, mention of self-harm, thoughts of suicide, hinted at depression, hinted at parental abuse.

ALSO! There is PLATONIC CC! David x CC! Brandon in this. It isn’t meant to be romantic or sexual, DONT MAKE IT ROMANTIC OR SEXUAL!

Anyways enjoy <3


???’s POV

“Guys look!” The blonde pointed out in the distance, there was a silhouette of a person. “Let’s go!”

“How do we know that’s not Lucas?” Plu asked.

“Lucas is taller and skinnier,” I pointed out, “That can’t be him.”

The blonde led us to the person but when we actually got up close, we saw who it was. It was the guy from earlier with the fluffy beard. “Oh, hey guys,” He smiled a very sincere one, “Geez, I thought you were that guy with a gun for a second, also I remember my name now, it’s Xylo, nice ta meet cha!”

“Oh...none of us remember who we are right now...” I told him, taken aback by his friendly demeanor.

“Besides me, I’m Plu,” Xylo smiled and waved his hand.

“It’s all good...hey do any of you know how to be loud and obnoxious, cause I do but I also need to work on this thing,” He hit an odd-looking cage with one hand, that’s when I realized his other was in the cage but if he moved his hand it would definitely come out looking like pulled pork, “My friend Blake is trying to find stuff to help me get out and the blue one is trying to distract the killer guy, if two of you could help distract and the others help Blake I'm sure we can figure this thing out.”

“Alright, You two help distract,” Plu let go of my hand and walked next to the blonde, “We’ll help.”

“Why do we need to distract Lucas?”

“Because we’re smarter than you two, duh,”

“They’ve got a point,” The guy next to me mumbled, “No offense to you or anything! But...yeah I’m not the brightest when it comes to puzzles.”

I shook my head, “Alright, where was he last?”

“Off that way,” He pointed towards a more densely wooded area, I sighed, “Sorry.”

“It's fine,” I walked off into the woods, the guy followed me.

We walked for what felt like forever then saw a blue-haired girl run and hide behind a tree. Following close behind was Lucas, his gun pointed at the tree. I didn’t even think before I ran towards my friend. He turned to me and shot, I kept running towards him. I tackled him to the ground and knocked his gun out of his hand. We fought on the ground for a while but I ended up having him pinned under me, “Lucas, please stop fighting.”

He didn’t say anything and continued to thrash underneath me, I heard the click of his gun reloading and looked up. The blue-haired girl was pointing his gun at him, “Tell me when to shoot,” She didn’t break her gaze from him. Lucas stopped and looked up at her, an iniquitous smile grew on his face.

“Do it. Shoot me.” His voice was demanding, like he was commanding her to shoot him rather than begging or daring her.

“Don’t,” I looked down at Lucas, “I know this isn’t you Lucas, what happened?”

He scoffed, “Now you remember me? Typical. And why should I tell YOU what happened to me? You didn’t even come looking for me when I went missing.”

“What? Lucas, I didn’t know where you were, and if you were here how was I supposed to find you? I did go looking for you and when I couldn’t find you, I was so worried...Please...just stop trying to kill us.”

“Answer me this, do you even remember who half of these people are?”

“No? Why? Am I supposed to know them?”

“Everyone here used to be friends, then we all started disappearing, arguments broke out and you all started blaming each other. you’ll all die. If not to me than to the others and you,” He started cackling, “You aren’t going to make it anywhere with that bullet hole in your side.”

I totally forgot he’d shot me. I looked down and saw crimson blood oozing from a hole in my side, I felt myself go weak. Lucas pushed me off of him, now he was on top of me. I couldn’t speak and the whole world seemed to spin. Lucas only smiled, “Good night, Brandon.”

I woke up back in the darkness. I remembered everything from before, my name, my friends, everything I didn’t remember before. I glanced around the area, there was a white glow across from me. I moved towards it, but the closer I got the sooner I realized it was a person sitting on their knees, “Um? Hey, are you okay?” I asked them, they looked back at me.

“Brandon,” Their voice was somber, but they spoke with a smile, “It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve talked.”

“I’m sorry but I haven’t the slightest clue who you are.”

“Ah yes, that makes sense,” They stood up, “I’m you.”


“I’m you, well technically I’m your conscious, your inner self if you will,”

“ said we hadn’t talked in a while, why haven’t we?”

They laughed though their nose, “Because we haven’t talked since your previous life and that must’ve been 25 years ago now.”

“So why are we talking now?”

“’s because you’re dead,” I stared at them in shock.

“What do you mean I’m dead?!” I shouted.

“Your friend, Lucas, was it? Yeah, he killed you, not a very good friend then huh?”

I was frozen in a horrifying shock; I couldn’t be dead. This isn’t what death looks like, no death was heaven or hell, it couldn’t be this.

“You seem confused, what’s troubling you Brandon?”

“This isn’t what the afterlife looks like, I thought it was heaven and hell not...whatever this is!”

“Well, technically this is limbo in your modern language, a place where souls go before being reborn,”

“But...I’m not going to remember my life...will I?”

“Of course you won’t, do you remember your previous four lives? If you do then there must be a problem,”

“I’ve lived four lives!?”

“Technically five since you’re dead now, you’re now going to your sixth in maybe...two minutes?”

“But I don’t want to move on! I liked my life!”

“Unfortunately, this doesn’t work like that. You’re dead and it’s time to move onto your next life, that’s how it’s been and that’s how it’ll always be, now please dry your tears, and get ready to go,”

I hadn’t even noticed that I was crying. Though there were so many things I would miss, my friends, those late nights where we’d just sit and talk endlessly about our futures and our goals, all the recordings I’ve been to...but one person stood out among the rest. David. My best friend since I was 16. The one who stuck by me through everything no matter how tough our lives were, no matter how our home lives were or how many times I’d tell him that I was offing myself...he always drove those late nights and would show up at my house with open arms and some sort of homemade sweet. He’d be there holding me as I vented, helping clean and wrap up any cuts I or someone else made on my skin, no matter what he was by my side. Now he wasn’t. And he’d never be again. I felt so guilty that I’d never told him goodbye or even remembered him at the campfire...I wish I could’ve just said thank you...thank you for being beside me and loving me when I couldn’t even love myself...I was so stupid to not show you my gratitude and now...I never will.

I was now on the ground sobbing into my hands, “Oh, there’s no need to cry, you’ll never remember him again anyways.”

“Shut the hell up!” I snapped at the ghostly figure not looking at them, “You’ll never understand! You’re just a stupid fucking ghost! You’ll never know how I feel! You’ll never know how much this hurts!”

“You’re right, they won't,” A familiar voice spoke from behind me, I sat up and looked over at who spoke, “but I will.”

Just then a bright red and orange light took over my vision.

I flinched but it didn’t hurt like I’d anticipated.

No, I felt more like I was finally free.

1,565 words.
Holy fuck that’s a lot of lore being dropped, though I was hinting towards it so if you weren't prepared it’s your fault lol. But yeah, we got our blueberry boy Brandon as our main character...or I guess he’s now an ex-main character for a while. Also, is it obvious who my comfort content creator is yet? Or do I need to make another book that highlights the best CC in origins? (And yes, Brandon is the best, fight me) Also to make the title make sense, captain cuz Lucas’s OC is a boat captain and gone cuz...yk...Brandon feckin died. Anyways, wonder what’ll happen next? Check back Thursday :3

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