The Killer

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⚠️TW: Swearing, Guns, Vomit/emetophobia!

???’s POV

My head was spinning when I woke up. I tried to look at where I was but between the fog and just waking up, I couldn’t see much of anything. I looked down at the grass, it was blurred too. Then I realized...I was in the air. I whipped my head around and saw a head, “Who the hell- AH!” I screamed as I was thrown to the ground. Looming over me was a man, about six foot tall. Half of his face was covered in an odd burn, his eyes an icy teal, his hair a light brown, and a small stubbly beard growing on his face.

He held a gun up to my head, “shhhhhhhhh,” was all he could say. I felt my face go white, “I won’t shoot you yet,” His voice was hushed he seemed to be on the verge of tears, “The boss likes you, you’re familiar to me too.”


“Shhhhhh! Just cause the boss likes you doesn’t mean he won't kill ya!” He whisper-shouted at me, “You need to find the key to the gate to escape this place, there’s a few puzzles around and if you do those it’ll give you pieces to a grand puzzle, that grand puzzle is where the key is, did you catch all of that?” I nodded, “Good,” he looked off, “Now get up and run.”

“Wait,” He looked down at me, “What should I call you?”

He stared at me for a minute before looking off again, “Just go.”

“Um...alright?” I hopped up onto my feet. The man began to walk off while spinning his gun in his hand. I went off the other direction.

I walked for what felt like forever, till I found a small pond. Three people were in the water and seemed to be washing themselves. One of them noticed me and signaled for me to come over. When I got there, I recognized one of them from my visions. They were the other person who gave me the stuffed penguin, they were trying to scrub the dirt out of their hair. “You should clean yourself,” the one who called me over suggested. They had long, dark blonde hair and teal eyes, “Your hair is caked in mud, and so are your clothes.”

“Yeah…did any of you remember anything?” The blonde shook their head no, I frowned and glanced over at the others. The person from my visions was now trying to shake their head to get the water out of their hair. “I’m gonna go talk to them,” I told the blonde, they chuckled.

“Good luck with that,” I began moving away before I could ask them what they meant but I soon found out what they meant.

“Hey, um-" I began talking.

“What?” They interrupted me, their eyes shooting daggers into me.

“Um…So I know this might sound weird but, I had a vision, or maybe it was a hallucination? I don’t know? Anyways, you were in it.” They squinted their eyes at me, “I think I know your name.”

They continued to squint at me, “Why should I believe you? For all I know you could be tricking me,”

“Your name is Plu, maybe it’s a nickname and if it is then maybe your full name is Pluto or something?” They stopped squinting and just stared at me, before tears began to form in their eyes, “Woah, hey, um, it’s alright, I-I didn’t expect you to cry- um.”

They leaned forward and wrapped their arms around me while resting their head on my shoulder, “It is, my name’s Plu…” if they’d spoken any quieter I probably wouldn’t have heard them but I did. They continued hugging me, I didn’t understand why but it must have something to do with remembering their name. Maybe they got memories back too?

“Plu? Are you okay?” They shook their head, I wrapped my arms around them and hugged them back. Something about them and the situation we’re in seemed so familiar, I just couldn’t figure it out.

“Hey, you two! We should get outta the water soon! We need to figure out why we’re here!” Plu let go of me and grabbed my wrist, pulling me over to the blonde. “You didn’t clean yourself,” The blonde pouted. Plu chuckled then yanked on my arm making me fall down into the water. As if being in the diseased swamp water was gross enough but now it was in my mouth, eyes, and nose. I lifted my head up as soon as possible, the water tasted like absolute ass. There’s nothing else to describe it as, just pure, liquid ass. I coughed up as much of the liquid as I could, trying to hold back the vomit that now wanted to eject from my mouth.

“Dude what the actual hell,” I glared at Plu who was laughing their ass off, “That was so uncalled-" I gagged as the vomit tried to escape again, this time it did. Plu stopped laughing and gave more of a guilty look.

“Sorry, it was pretty funny though,” I continued glaring, “Alright it’s not funny anymore,” I rolled my eyes. “Moving past that, your hair is really nice.”

I ran my hand through my hair, it was soft but it was still way too muddy for me to see the color of it. “So wait, where’s your group at?” The blonde questioned.

“We were walking together but I ended up getting split from them,” They let out a sigh of relief.

“I thought they’d died,” I tilted my head, “Oh right you weren’t there, we found this,” They handed me a notebook, it’s pages were all wet. The blonde flipped through the book and stopped at a certain page. The ink on the page was runny and seemed like it was written way to fast but still readable, it said something about a killer who had celeste blue eyes and looked like they were frozen to death.

Realization hit me like a semi-truck. The killer is the guy I saw, the one with the gun. I felt myself get sick again. “Dude…you good?” Plu snapped their fingers in front of my face. I glanced at them, they seemed worried.

“No…I saw him…the killer I mean…” They were all shocked, “He told me there was puzzles we need to solve to leave this place…maybe there’s one here?” We all looked around, then the other person with black hair pointed at a dock with two paddle boats on it.

“What about there?” He spoke with an almost stutter, not like he’s nervous or anything it was more like he didn’t quite know English. He guided us to the dock. When we got there there was a small box sitting there, it was about the size of a ring box. The blonde picked it up and opened it, “There’s a key and a note.”

“Well read the note then,” Plu crossed there arms.

The blonde sighed then began to read.

“This game is not for the faint of heart. For you see, the second you put this key into the bottom of this box the game will begin, you will become hunted by Strength. My prized possession. He’s quick to kill without hesitation. You’ve been warned.” The blonde looked at us, “What do I do?”

We all glanced at each other, all coming to an agreement just by looking at each other.

“Use the key.”


1308 words


Thank you all so much for reading this today! I've had a really really rough time recently and not much time to write this but I got it done! And this chapter is pretty long too! Anyways, I'll see you guys next chapter! <3

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