Chapter 34

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Co1/n= court owner 1's name
Co2/n= court owner 2's name
Y/n's pov;
~Flashback ~
"Hey Y/n, i been looking for you".

I turn around to Lj walking to me. "Hey, sorry mom" I said.

"You okay? Mia said, you just came up here to the rooftop this morning. And haven't left since." She said.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I said. She sat down on the ledge of the roof with me.

"You're really a good liar, you know that. What's really going on." She said.

"I.. I don't know alright.. I have a lot on my mind, stuff happened. I got kidnapped, tortured, and beaten. People are giving me, self pity and looks after what happened. It's really overwhelming, so I just came up here to get away from everything." I said.

"It's okay to break down, it's called being human. Even the most nicest people have their breaking points, Y/n." She said. I didn't even bother responding to her, she sighed and untied her bandana from around her neck and showed me, her name in the corner. "Do you know why i call myself, Lj?".

"No" I answered.

"Lj is just my initials. My parents always wanted a son, but when they found out that they're having a daughter instead. They gave me, a boys name as punishment for not being a boy. And they tried to make me the perfect human. I wasn't allowed to miss one question on anything in school, I wasn't allowed to have any friends that were girls, I wasn't allowed to show emotion. I became stressed and overwhelmed, by my parents. But when I snapped, they kicked me out when I was 17." She said.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"I don't want, you to feel like you can't show emotions around us. Because everytime, you're struggling with something. You always come up here or try to pretend everything is alright again, when you're still hurting. You can't always be happy and laid-back all the time, there's always a time where you're going to break." She said.

"I know....So what does the L stand for?" I asked.

"Logan" She said. She looks at her bandana one last time then hands it to me. "I want you to have this".

"You sure?" I asked, while I grabbed it from her hand.

"Yeah" She said, before she gets off the ledge. "Come on, it's time to change the bandages, and I was going to order some take out for lunch for us.".

"Yeah, alright" I said.

~End of Flashback~

"Huh, what?" I say to a hand waving in front of me.

"We're here" The warden said.

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