Partying, Practice and Pancakes

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Xanthe's POV

Early to bed early to rise. It's a saying that always stuck with me even though I'm not quite sure where I first heard it. I'm a morning person so I like it. Maybe it's the reason I'm not really into partying. When we were in high school and Tony would throw parties I would just stay in my room and study, or clean, or anything that was productive. Then I would get up early, clean house, have breakfast, coffee and aspirin waiting by the time Tony woke up. It's probably the reason our parents never knew he threw parties. They thought the whole way through high school Tony never threw one party. I guess it pays to be an early riser sometimes.

It was 7:30am when I woke up and climbed out my bunk it was in the middle. It wasn't too high but still my feet couldn't reach the ground. I took a quick shower, did my hair and make up, and changed into skinny jeans and a floral top. I tend to dress quite girly but still my outfits always have something about them.

I walked into the small kitchen on the bus and immediately jumped when my bare feet hit the cold wooden floor. If I wasn't already fully wide awake, I was now. I looked in the cabinets and fridge hoping to find food, and by good luck I did. I decided to make breakfast for the band and the crew. I wasn't sure what everyone liked so I just made a little something of everything. I made pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, coffee and fruit salad. I hoped that would be enough food.

I'm guessing they smelt the food and woke up because in space of about ten minutes Mike, Vic, Tony and Jaime were all up. Mike was the first one to appear in the kitchen though. He padded in shirtless and looking very sleepy.

"Morning Xanthe." He said his eyes half closed. "Morning Mike, you want some breakfast?" I asked. "You made breakfast?" He asked looking surprised and a little more awake. "Yeah all of the food's on the counter." I said finishing up cleaning the dishes I had dirtied making the food. "Holy crap, how much did you make? It's like heaven laid out in front of me." "Enough for you guys and the crew." I said walking over with two plates and handing one to him.

I grabbed three pancakes, the golden syrup and some fruit before walking over the booth around the table, as mike grabbed various things off the counter. Just as I sat down I saw Jaime walk in. "I see you still do the morning after care, thanks Zan." "No problem Jaime." I said as he made his way over the table. Vic was next to walk in "Holy shit where'd the food come from?" "Zan Zan." Mike and Jaime chorused with their mouths full. "Wow you made all this?" "Yeah." "Wow thanks." he said as he slid in next to me. I couldn't help but smile. "Your welcome."

Tony was the last one of the band to walk in. Morning he said as he walked straight to the food. "Thanks sis." "Your welcome." "See I knew bringing you along would be a good idea, breakfast every morning." Tony joked while eating his fruit salad. "Wait is the a regular habit of yours?" Vic asked "Yep." Me, Tony and Jaime responded. Mike slapped Tony on the arm and said "Dude why didn't you bring her along before, this is awesome. By the way Zan the food is really good." "Thanks Mike." "Sorry man I would've but she was at college, and is everyone calling her that know?" "Yup." All the guys said.

"So how old are you?" Vic asked. "Twenty." I saw the look of shock on his face. "But not for long." Damn you turtle. "Her twenty first is in two weeks." I swear I could hit him, especially for saying it in front of Jaime. for it. "You know what means?!" Jaime yelled and then all of the guys yelled "PARTY!!!" And then started dancing in their seats. If he wasn't my brother and I didn't love him I would have hit him by now. "Wait for it." Tony said noticing the expression on my face. "Uh uh. No way guys." "Here we go again." "Shut it Preciado." "Aww why not?" Vic asked looking a sad puppy. "I don't like parties, it's just not my thing." Mike's jaw dropped "How can you not like parties." "I don't know they're just not my thing." He looked at Tony expectantly.

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