Chapter 5 | First Game

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The timer had started.

"Green Light, Red Light." A creepy child's voice spoke through the whole room. Two guys immediately started running.

I started running as well, just not as crazily as those two. After the doll stopped speaking, her whole head turned around, her eyes roaming through everyone. One of the guys, number 324, lost his balance and almost fell backwards.  

"Player 324. Eliminated."

It was quiet for a  few seconds and then the next thing I know, a big shot sound startled everyone. 324 dropped on the ground with no sign of consciousness. Everyone stayed quiet, frozen in their place. I tried to get a better look at the passed-out guy.

The doll turned to face the other way again. "Green light, Red Light."

This time I sprinted forward a bit, leaving Thomas behind to figure out what happened with number 324. His friend, number 250, kept trying to communicate with him. "Hey, you're eliminated, you idiot. Stop putting on a show and get up." However in return, blood splattered from his friend's mouth. 

I wanted to back up immediately but didn't dare to do so. His friend, though, didn't share the same patience. He gasped a bit, before running back to the closed door, however before he could make it, another shot was heard and his blood splattered all over a woman, who in return touched her face and screamed in horror.

That's how chaos started.

Suddenly almost all players couldn't comprehend what's happening anymore. They started panicking and running back to the door. Some snakes even pushed others just to be in front, but it didn't matter anymore as multiple shots started firing off. Everyone was being killed, blood was splattering the light sand. I tried to completely block out all my fears and only think of survival.

If I move, it's all over for me.

After some time the ruckus died down and I did not dare to look back, knowing that the dead bodies will give me nothing but more fear to chew on.

"Let me repeat. You can move forward while "it" shouts out, "Green Light, Red Light." if your movement is detected afterwards, you will be eliminated."

The doll turned around. "Green Light, Red Light."

Nobody moved. Well, nobody except a happy little grandpa who looks like a child that got a bag of candy. Isn't that heartwarming? Right in front of hundreds of bodies. I nervously smiled to myself. So fun...

No one was shot and "it" turned away. "Green Light, Red Light."

This time I started moving as well, gaining some bravery.

After some time everyone let their shock slip away and now everyone felt the same thing. Determination.

"Green Light, Red Light."

If I keep moving at this pace, I will make it out alive. Hell, maybe I'll even be the first to win.

Words were spoken too soon. As I ran forward, the doll turned around and I froze. But this time with a firm hand planted on my shoulder.

"Who the hell are you? Don't touch me!" I quietly hiss with a shaky voice.

"So you're trembling too?" Thief. That damn thief. "Oh so first you steal from me and now you'll try to kill me? Not really fair, is it?" 

"I think you're forgetting something. I'm the one behind you. One push is all it takes to get rid of you."

I quietly snicker. "Then why haven't you done it yet?"

"Don't test me. Another one is laying on the floor right now because of me, you can end up the same."

"Green Light, Red Light."

I run forward, but stop at the last second, pushing her hand off my shoulder, however, her grip was too strong, which resulted in both of us falling to the ground.

"You're going to get me killed, let go!" I angrily mutter.

"Green light, Red Light."

Both of us froze, which was difficult because of our position. I was on my knees, trying not to sway to the side. She was on my left, in a similar position.

When we could finally move, I stood up as fast as I could and ran, leaving her behind. In a few seconds she managed to catch up.

"You're really testing my patience aren't you?" I give her a discreet glare.

"You're the one that pinned me to the floor. I think I'm not the only one at fault here." She speaks through gritted teeth.

Time was running out and with little thief here behind me, using me as a protection barrier was really making it difficult for me to speed up.

Fifty seconds were remaining and I was close. So close. I would've already crossed the finish line if not for number 67. She really does know how to piss me off.

,,Green Light, Red Light."

This was my chance. Not caring about anything, I dashed towards the finish line.

Just before "it" turned around I passed it. I didn't die.

Now that I was safe, emotions started boiling in me. The first thing I did was sprint up to 67 and grab her harshly by her collar.

"What the hell was that?! Did you really try to get me killed?"

"You survived, didn't you?" She said in a bored tone before walking away.

I hate her.

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