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Donum: welcome my dear soldier its a honor to have you
Ali:dad selin is very pretty right?
Ali hazal u need to rest i will show u ur room
Hazal: but i have to meet everyone right?
Donum:dont worry about that
Baris:grab hazal bags and tell her to follow him
Baris: this is you new room
Ali:i hope u like it if u need anything u can call me anytime
Baris: ali u can go now
Ali: i see
Baris :hazal get fresh and have some rest if you're hungry tap on the bell you will have 24 hours room service
Hazal okay thanks a-lot
Baris see you tomorrow u will meet everyone soldier,staff,my uncle's so u better get some rest cuz it will be a long day tomorrow and give me ur phone
Baris: you cant have a phone
Hazal:are u kidding me
Baris: well u will know that tomorrow talk to everyone u want to today sydeny arif anyone bye
Hazal :how he knows Sydney!! My room is soo classy
Ilove it here i should take a shower and eat something
Donum:umm baris
Donum:altan told me her name is hazal
Baris: yeah I know but why she is lying
Donum : lets find out! Calling altan
Altan hey whatsapp donum: why she is lying about her name i dont like people who lies altan: ummm she said to me she will only come here if her identity is not out
Donum: yeah okay so she will hide her face to right
Altan yes she is a private person
Donum okay but come here soon okay?
Altan :okay
Donum:how she is doing
Donum:did u took her phone?
Baris : i will tomorrow
Donum: altan have to be here tomorrow he has to tell hazal about the cure our special scientist made
For zombies
Baris:dont worry dad everything will be alright
Lizz:my baby is back
Baris:hello mommy
Lizz:my baby has the soldier's have arrived
Baris :no they only gave one soldier she is one of the best soldiers
Lizz : oh a girl but girls are useless
Donum:she will prove u wrong
Lizz i hope so
Donum:ur a girl too u forgot?
Lizz:yeah I remember that my love but girls are for enjoying there life
Donum:like u do!! Shopping all day
Lizz:dont start again u wanna fight
Donum: she is very beautiful btw
Lizz: shut up where is she
Donum: resting
Lizz: she is not a queen
Donum: you are?
Baris : okay iam out of this do u guys even notice me ???
Lizz :baris my son enjoy ur life like ali ur to young for this
Baris: mom sorry to say this but the way u treat ali is the reason why he dont wanna take responsibility
Donum: chuckle
Lizz: baris you to atleast take my side for once
Baris : mom i love u
Lizz:ur just like ur dad
Donum:and ali is just like u coward irresponsible idiotic.
Lizz : for god sake he is ur son what he will think if he listen this
Donum: but that son of bitch is strong rugged as hell and handsome like me I seriously love all of my kids
Lizz:i know u do darling
Donum: maya and haya is back from antalya?
Lizz they will be back next week
Donum okay
Hazal its feels so good to get fresh
iam soo bored lets talk to arif calling arif
Arif :hey how is everything
Hazal yes its soo good but
Arif : but?
Hazal:they said they will take my phone i don't know why
Arif : for there privacy they do that just in case if someone snitch on them its only for one year
Hazal it looks like u seriously dont miss me
Arif u can talk to me if u ask them u wanna talk to me they will give u a phone for 20 minutes
Hazal seriously 20 minutes for 1 year come on
Arif i have some work okay bye take care
Hazal: i miss sydeny but i dont think i will ever see her again how did Baris knew about sydeny
Well lets go out and explore
Ali: hey looks like someone is out of room
Hazal: yeah i was bored
Ali lets take a pic
Hazal okay
Ali u look pretty blue suits u
Hazal thanks
Ali give me ur number
Hazal 96749320
Ali thanks btw they will take ur phone
Hazal ik okay i will explore
Ali : u need my help?
Hazal no thanks i wanna see own my own
Ali okay see ya
Hazal lets see this buildings phone vibrates hazal saw the phone ALI**** sended a pic and one msg we look cute together right
Hazal replied maybe a little bit hazal chuckles and
Turn off the phone
Lets get going

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