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Baris:lets over there
Hazal :where!!!
Baris: that bench
Hazal quietly set down
Baris: dont worry the sun will be out in few minutes
Hazal:yeah its kinda feels like arctic
Baris: so tell me about ur self
Hazal :u go first
Baris: umm i have one brother and 2 sisters
And I already told u about my dad he is very authoritarian when u will meet him u will know
Hazal :what about ur mom?
Baris: she is always bustling
Hazal: oh
Baris: so tell me about ur self
Hazal: i have not a soul my family died when i was 6 i was in foster care for many years one day I met arif he is the only person i have he is very affable,
Baris:oh it must be hard for u
Hazal:not anymore
Baris: i have some juice in the car i will bring for u
Hazal: no iam convenient i dont need anything
Baris: let me get it u travel so much u need to be hydrated
Baris walk towards the car
Hazal:he is sweet
Baris: there u goo open the juice bottle ****
Hazal:grabbing the juice
Baris: accidentally globule
Hazal:omg are u serious
Baris:iam sooo sorry I didn't mean to let it fall
Hazal :wow thats a great way to keep me haydrated
Baris:iam sooo sorry look there is a washroom u can change
Hazal :go and get me my bag
Baris: ohk
Hazal 🤔:man whats inexact with him
Baris grap the bag and give it to hazal
Hazal:went to bathroom.. god what's wrong with him look it's self in the mirror why he was seeing me again and again is something wrong with my face
Hazal:change her attire myy blue jacket is ruined
lets wear black outfit looks in the mirror i look exquisite smiles
Baris:waiting outside iam soo stupid call's dad
Baris:dad when he will reach to help us i cant stay here long there are no cars no food
Donum:ali will be there in 2 hours
Baris:oh god Baris saw hazal coming out of bathroom she look soo good in black
Baris : oh sorry dad see you later
Donum : okay
Baris: hang up the phone
Hazal: quietly sit down
Baris: apologized iam so sorry
Hazal:no it okay and merci u were just trying be
Baris: not very good at it
Both chuckles
Baris: i will go and see if someone is there to help us
I will be on the road
Hazal: okay
Hazal iam sooo sleepy mannn
Hazal: sleeping .........On bench
Baris: came saw her sleeping
Baris: ur so glorious soo beautiful
Baris sits with her and let her sleep on his shoulder
Ur hairs smell soo good
After one hour
He saw ali car
Baris:hazal wake up my brother is here
Hazal: looks at him and smiles
Baris: saw her smiling at him and he got shy and starts blushing
Hazal: Sydney iam soo tired
Baris: realized she is still asleep wake up hazal
Hazal: oh iam soo sorry I didn't mean to
Baris its okay
Ali:hello beautiful lady
Baris looked at him and gave him an grotesque look
Hazal looked Confused
Baris :dont worry about him he is a flirt
Ali : hahah u guys look a cute couple u guys were sleeping together right hahah
Baris: glower at him and said get in. The car ali
Hazal sits in the. Car
Ali :so tell me about ur self
Hazal : umm
Ali: ur boiling hot
Hazal: stare at him
Baris: stop this nonsense ali
Ali:haha okay
Baris pondering : while driving i have to stop having feelings for i have to stay away from her its best for both of us
Hazal: baris so how many people u guys are training
Baris : didn't replied
Hazal umm so how many zombies are outside right now ?
Baris didn't replied
Hazal what happened why ur not saying anything
Baris u will find out soon dont ask questions from me
Ali :stares baris with a wired look
Ali:what's wrong baris u okay why being so rude to her ?
Baris: iam busy and she can ask anyone when she reached there
Ali:ummm what ur name btw
Hazal umm selin
Baris: stares at her
Ali:wow pretty name baris dad told me there would be soldiers
Baris: yeah they didn't gave them they gave the useless soldier i think
Hazal: 🤔 how can he say something like that whats wrong with him he is so mean he knows iam one of the best soldier hazal got sad and started using her phone
Ali:iam sorry from my brother side he doesn't look good to me today
Hazal its okay
Ali : if u ever need or wanna ask something u can ask from me and we are training 200 people iam not sure how many zombies are outside right now
Hazal oh thanks
Ali: we will pick from 200
Baris: we are here
Ali: we arrived
Hazal : 🤔oh nooo i wanna goo back now i cant even goo back
Ali what u thinking
Hazal nothing
Baris: opens the door
Hazal :this building is soo big god help me
Ali lets go i will tell u everything
Baris locks the car and went in the building
Ali: i will pick ur bags
Hazal:thanks ali
Ali:welcome dear

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