~New Life~

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It's been a few weeks since my father called me, a few weeks since he told me the truth. Or what I hope the truth is, I've taken a bit of time to think about it and I believe he wasn't lying to me. All the research I've done adds up to what he had told me that day, as happy as I am to know who I am. I wish I would've known sooner, now I have to go through the trouble of learning how this "Quirk" works. I know for sure though, I will NEVER join my father and his terrible ways.

Enough with that though, I need to get ready for the day. After all, I didn't join this school for nothing. I may be a bit older than the other people there but I need to learn this power so I don't accidentally hurt someone.

After a while I was finally ready for the day, I had changed into my uniform and fixed up my hair a bit. People think hair is easy to work with, but when it's long enough to cover down to your thighs and white it's a bit more difficult to care for. "I guess it's time to go," I said as I looked in the mirror making sure I looked ok, finally I walked out and to the school.

UA is the school I'm going to, a school dedicated to gifted quirk users.

I got to the school and walked in through the gates, as I walked in a teacher stopped me. "You aren't  a student here, how did you get through?"

I held up my Id card and they were shocked, "Aren't you a bit older than a high school student?"  They asked me. "I am, I know this is weird. But it's a long story and I rather not go over it out here."

As we were talking a few of the other students started looking at us and wondering who I am, one of them even walked up to us. He had green curly hair and he looked a bit- a bit plain for a kid.

"Are you new here?" He asked me.The teacher looked at him, "Midoriya you need to head to your class. I'm dealing with her right now.

The kid nodded and began walking off, the teacher looked back to me and sighed. "Well you do have a legit I'd and I can see you in the system so I'll let you go, oh! It shows here that you're in class 1-A?" The teacher quickly turned around and called out to the boy, "Midoriya! Come back here for a second."

The boy looked back to us and walked over, "Yes?" He said as he looked between the two of us. The teacher had a bright smile, "Please show her to class, you two are in the same class."The boy smiled and looked at me, "It's nice to meet you...?" "Robin, my name is Robin," I said nervously with a smile.

He smiled back, "It's nice to meet you, Robin, come on I'll show you to our class. The boy and I walked to class and other students starred, some in shock, some confused. "Oi! Who the hell are you?" Another boy asked, this one was very temperamental and rude. He had blonde spikey hair and deep red eyes, "K-kacchan- calm down.."

The blonde got closer to me, to the point I was practically pinned to the wall. "Have you not heard of personal space??" I said to him as I looked up at him, the entire hall went silent. As if I had done something wrong, "The hell did you just say to me extra?"

The blonde looked at me with a deathly glare, "I said Have you never heard of personal space before." I then pushed him off of me with a newfound strength I never had, I thought to myself "What the- how did I do that??" then remembered why I'm here in the first place. "Listen here dumbass, you're new so I'll make this very clear. I'm going to be number one if you ever try to get in my way. I WILL kill you."

I looked in the eyes of the blonde, "Like you even could, you don't even know what I'm capable of." Of course, I was bluffing, I don't even know what I'm capable of. "Tch, whatever. Just stay out of my way." He said as he took a step back and walked into class, it irritated me to know we have the same class together.

"I'm sorry about Kacchan- he's always like this." The pain boy said, "Are you all right?" he asked me.

"I'm fine, I'm used to things like that-" I said back to him, he looked at me with a concerned expression. "What do you mean you're used to it? Have you met him before?" I nodded no to his question then looked away, "No I haven't, I just- I don't come from a good home. But that's beside the point, is this our class?"

He nodded to me and led me inside, I was bombarded with welcomes from the other students, I even started becoming friends with some of them. There's Mina, Kirishima, Midoriya, Ochaco, Iida, Momo, and Jirou.

They were all very kind, and so were the rest of the class. Apart from the blonde boy from earlier. The day went by and I watched and learned how the class works, the teachers had me sit to the side and explain the -condition- I mentioned when I applied for the school. They were very understanding and I even got to meet the #1 pro hero, Midoryia seemed close with him so I know he's trustworthy and legit. All might is the pros name. He even told me with how fast I seem to learn, that I'll become a pro just like he is before I know it.

The rest of the day went by and I learned everything pretty quick, it's just like the schools I went to growing up. Apart from the powers part, instead of a gym class, we had what's called -Hero Training- I have to say I enjoy that class the most, I can't wait to learn my power better and become a hero. That way, I can save other kids from homes like mine. I don't care for the rankings or the publicity, I just want to help.

After a while, the day came to an end and I went home to my apartment, I had all my new friend's numbers and the girls added me to their group chat. They were all asking about the math homework so I offered to meet up with them and help, I've always been good with the normal school classes. Somehow I always made the point to have 100's on every assignment and test. After I helped them out I went back home and finished up my homework, after that, I got ready for bed and lay down. Eventually, I fell asleep...

I was dreaming, but it felt so real. The dream was from the day my mother died, but- it was different. It's like part of this memory was always a blur to me, but now I can see it. My mom... She died because of me..? I lost control of my power that day and she took the bullet for me... I jolted awake from the dream, it was about 2 am when I looked at the time. My back felt heavier than normal so I got up and walkedover to my mirror, I got over there and looked.

My eyes widened and I stumbled back falling back onto the bed and screamed...

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