Chapter 1

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So, the previous instalment of this story was a lot more popular than I was expecting and there was one kind soul who did ask about the ending. So due to popular demand, I will be writing a second part. However, I do have to work, I'm in my last year at uni (FINALLLLY!!!!) and I have to do my final dissertation. That being said, I will try (emphasis on try) to update a chapter per week. I hope you enjoy it!


Firm hands run down my back soothing out the knots. I lean back into a warm hard chest.

I smile. "Mmm," I almost pur.

"You know how I like to hear you pur, kitten."

My smile broadens at the sound of Tom's voice. His hands slide under my top and goosebumps erupt all over my body.

"Should I stop?" he teases.

I wiggle my ass into his crotch and I can feel him harden. Two can play the teasing game. "No."
I can feel his nose run up my neck and his breath tickles my skin. His hands grip my waist and I bite my lip managing to suppress a moan.


I frown. He has never called me that before.


Why does his voice suddenly sound so feminine?

"Excuse me, miss," comes the voice again.

I open my eyes and see an air hostess smiling down at me pleasantly. It's one of those typical customer service smiles where they are wishing you would get fucked but know that they can't say it.

"We're about to land, miss. You need to put your tray in the upright position."

God dammit. It was all a dream. It's been 12 hours since I last saw him and I'm already fantasizing about him.

I do as I am told and put my tray in the upright position. Unfortunately, the easy part is over. Gone are the hours of watching films, eating free peanuts and fantasizing about hot men. Well, one hot man in particular. As soon as the plane lands, I'm going to have to hit the ground running if I want to make sure that my mother is okay. Mind you, I will have to get through customs and picking up Bach is going to be a hassle. In the US, a dog like Bach isn't exactly something you see everyday but it's not unheard of to have a wolf dog. On the other hand, in Britain, walking along the street with Bach attracts about as much attention as if I were walking along with Cerberus.

The plane lands without any hiccups. I go through customs, pick up my suitcases, get Bach and I head to the train station. Getting a taxi with him is pretty much impossible but ironically getting a train is perfectly fine. He lies under the table without creating any fuss and nobody notices he's even there. When the snack lady comes along I order a tea, some crisps and some biscuits. She also has some doggy biscuits which I get for Bach.

Getting off the train is the next headache. Having to haul three large suitcases filled to the brim is no easy task. Thank the Lord for wheels. As I struggle down the street with the suitcases, Bach padding along next to me and swearing under my breath, people give me my space.

I finally reach my mum's house and use my keys to unlock the door. Her landlady isn't home so I don't have a chance to speak to her. I'll have to do that later. One by one, I drag the suitcases upstairs to the living room. After taking a five minute breather to catch my breath and pop the kettle on, I take a look around. Everything appears to be as it should. There's nothing that looks like it would be out of place but it has been a while since I was last here.

I make a cup of tea, pour Bach a bowl of water and continue to look around.

Even though part of my brain is panicking and the dark shadow of my mother's disappearance is hanging over my head, it does feel good to be home again. I missed my mum and everything reminds me of her, which I guess is only right seeing as it is her house.

Everything is clean, which is normal for her. She was a bit of a clean freak. The fridge is practically empty, which, again, is normal for her. She lived off microwaved dinners and takeout that she got on her way home from work. There is a half-read book on the floor next to her bed, an audiobook in the CD player, exercise equipment neatly put away in the home gym...

I have to think logically and move past the blind panic that is seeping through my brain. First of all I have to find out whether she left or whether she was taken. In the house there are no clues as to which one happened but if she left there are certain people she would have told. Her land lady for example, or work. She would never just not turn up for work one day. Seing as her landlady is not at home at the moment, I decide to walk to the police station where she works. Leaving Bach behind, I go to the station.

Sitting behind the front desk is the hulking figure of Owen.

"Now, now," he says, standing up and grinning at me. "Look at what the cat dragged in."

The drizzle has made my hair hang limply but I don't think I look like something that a cat spat back up.

"Shouldn't you be somewhere else?" I ask, looking pointedly at the desk he is sitting behind.

"Aye, but I got put on front desk duty after the captain heard me describe his wife as looking like something a pig had sat on."

Despite my nerves, I laugh genuinely. That does sound like something that Owen would say.

"And what brings you to our small corner of the world?" Owen asks. "I thought you were off being a fancy writer in America."

"I came here to see mam."

"And why are you here?" he asks, confused. "She said she had to leave town for some family bussiness."

"I know, but I don't know what the family issues are. I found out from somebody else not her. I came back as soon as I found out."

"Well, you want to talk to her then. Last I heard she told the captain that she had to go away for a week or so." He can see that I look troubled. "Don't worry. She probably just didn't want to worry you. She'll be back in a week. You just see."

I smile and leave, telling him to say hi to the rest of the team on my behalf.

Now that I have found out that she wasn't taken I do feel slightly better. But I still don't know where she has gone and I still need to find her.

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