Chapter 12

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I'm just letting y'all know now, the story is going to take a slightly dark turn for a couple of chapters. I'm still deciding on how dark, I don't want you all thinking I'm some sort of sociopath... This chapter does deal with some dark issues so reader's discretion is advised. I'll also add a TW for those who have gone through some trying times. Enjoy?


I walk outside with Bach and Tom hot on my heels.

There really isn't that much to see. You can see the village we went through at a distance on one side of the hill we're on. On the other side you can see a lake. I strain my eyesight to see if I can see anything on it.

I once read a theory that all the lakes in Scotland are interconnected by underground tunnels and that is how the Loch Ness monster has managed to go so many years without being detected. It certainly is an interesting theory but as much as I would like her to exist, deep down I don't think she does.

"What are you thinking?" Tom asks, coming up behind me and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"How to get out of this mess."

The only way that my mum will be able to live normally again is to get the MC off her back and the only way to do that is to kill all of them or die herself. Neither are viable options. There has to be a third option but I don't know what.

"Do you have any ideas?" I ask Tom. He's part of the MC, he should have an idea.

He rests his head on the top of mine. "Aside from killing everyone..." He trails off. "If it's true that she didn't snitch on them and she can prove it, they may accept it and let her be. She'll be a persona non grata for the rest of her life, but that's better than being dead."

"Do you think they would accept her innocence?"

He sighs. "Maybe. You would have to talk to them. Chapters are free to deal with their own shit as they see fit."

"But they're in Ireland and mum has already said that the usual lines of communication aren't getting through to my dad."

He pulls away. "But I can get through to him via the MC route." He gets out his phone and dials a number. "Hello, Liam, sir. I'm Tom. Do you remember me?" There is a pause. "Is this a safe line?" A momentary pause. "Are you alone? I'm calling concerning your daughter." The pause this time is longer; I assume my dad's going somewhere quiet to take the call. "Yes, sir. She's safe. I've been taking care of her." He hands me the phone.


"Princess! Are you all right?"

"Yes, dad. I'm fine."

"Has Tom been looking after you?"

"Yes, dad."

"He had better not have laid a finger on you!"

I roll my eyes. "Don't worry about me, dad. It's mam you should be worrying about."

"I know. I'm trying my best to smooth things over but if they found out I knew..."

I scowl. "So you're just going to abandon her like that?"

"Sweetheart, you know it's not that simple. The club comes first, you know that."

I bite back a retort and keep my temper in check. "What if we could prove that she never passed over any information?"

"What do you mean?"

"Mam told us that there was another mole-"


"And he was the one that passed on the information, not her. If we could get him to confess the truth, would you stop trying to find her?"

There's a long pause. "If you get him to own up to everything, and I mean everything, then I think I should be able to talk them round."

"Okay. We will get the confession. You get the target off mam."

"Be careful, princess. I love you."

"Yes, yes. I love you too."

I hang up and hand the phone back to Tom.

"We're going to have to find this Julien and talk to him."

Tom gives me a strange look, a cross between concern and pitty. "He's not going to just give up the information, you know."

"I know."

"We might have to use some more forceful methods."

I.e. torture him. I frown. I hadn't really ocurred to me that it would come to that.

"We will do what has to be done for my mum. First we need to find him."

"And then we will have to take him to somewhere secluded."

"Maybe, if we surprise him in his house he will talk."

Tom gives me a look that just screams oh my sweet summer child.

"Babe, let me take care of that. That way, if we get arrested you only get charged with accessory." 

I laugh. "I don't plan on going to prison."

"And at the end of all this, we may have to kill him, you know?"

I shift awkwardly. As often as I have threatened of going on a killing spree, this is the closest I've ever come to one. Although I don't think one person could be qualified as a spree.

He cups my face in his rough hands. "I'll deal with the messy stuff. Don't worry."

"You've done this before, haven't you?" I ask in a small voice.

He shrugs nonchalantly. "Club business."

Right now I can't decide if that's a good or a bad thing. It does always help to have an expert to lead the way.

"Do you mind doing the dirty work?"

He smiles sadly and kisses me softly. "It's better than you doing it," he says pulling away.

I gasp in mock offence. "Are you saying that I would do a bad job?"

He laughs. "I've seen you pissed off; I'm sure you would a great job. But I would rather be the one who gets dirty."

I nod, serious again. "Are we really going to kidnap and interrogate a high ranking police officer?"

He wraps his arms around me in a bear hug. "It would appear so."

Secret revealed (Sequel to My Dark Secret)Where stories live. Discover now