Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 is from Tom's point of view. For now at least I will be doing a whole chapter dedicated to each character so you can see their different versions, alternating every week. However that is for now who knows what will happen in the future!


I wake up to a cold empty bed and look around. Her suitcases are gone and my stomach lurches.

Fuck! She's done it again!

I grab the nearest thing and throw it against the wall in frustration. Unfortunately, it's just a pillow so it doesn't have the same effect.

I can't believe that she left without me. Last night I saw another side to her. She was a queen and I would have followed her to the ends of the Earth.

I need to find her but I have no idea where to start. Well, that's not exactly true. I know where she's gone - Britain. But just because she's on some shitty little island that doesn't mean she'll be easy to find.

I get dressed and head over to Kyle's. He should know where she is. When I get to his house, it is empty. His old lady's probably at work and God knows where he is. I let myself in and get comfortable. I'm not leaving until I find out where Catherine has gone.

I sit for hours in his dark living room. I guess another good thing that came out of babysitting Catherine is a new found patience. If someone had told me 2 months ago that I would be able to sit still doing nothing for hours without going stir crazy, I would have laughed in their face.

Finally, Kyle stumbles through the front door, looking the worse for wear.

"Where's Catherine?" I ask, getting up.

He whirls around, raising his gun. "Christ, lad. I nearly topped you." He lowers the weapon and puts it back in its holster.

"Where's Catherine?" I repeat.

He scowls and ignores me, goes to his fridge and pulls out a couple of beers. "Just let her be, boyo."

"I can't," I reply simply.

He hands me a beer that I take reluctantly and watch as he drops into an armchair.

"It's not going to end well if you go after her. There's not going to be a happily ever after."

"I don't care about that right now. All I care about is that she's safe and if she isn't with me, then she's not safe."

Kyle snorts. "She can look after herself."

Flashbacks as to how to defiantly stared me down last night come back to me. "I know, but..." I trail off, not knowing how to phrase my thoughts right now.

"Stop thinking with your cock, lad."

"I'm not!" I protest. At least I think I'm not.

He looks up at me bleakly from his armchair. He's a stubborn old bastard and I have no idea how I can get him to tell me what I need to know.

"Whatever you're thinking of doing to me has already been done and failed. Just give up already."

He's expecting me to kill him, to beat him, to do something to him, to use violence... and that is my first instinct. However, I know what he's saying is the truth and I will never get anything out of him that way. Also, he's my superior, so anything that I do to him will only bite me in the ass later.

I thought suddenly comes to me; something that he is not expecting, something that I would never do and maybe, just maybe, it will work.

Without breaking eye contact I imagine what it would feel like to hold Catherine's cold limp body in my arms. It doesn't have the desired effect as anger flares up and threatens to break through my cool exterior. I think of Catherine being hurt because of me and that also doesn't work; it just makes me angrier. Finally, I decide to think about the time when my pet rabbit died when I was 5 years old. It was the last time I cried and just thinking about his soft little body, so small in such a large shoe box is bringing tears to my eyes.

Kyle is suddenly looking extremely concerned. "What the hell, lad? You're going to turn into a big girl's blouse over a piece of ass?"

"She's not a piece of ass," I tell him, sitting down in the chair next to him. "She's different."

He sighs and rubs his eyes. "Fine. I'll tell you. She's going to see her mother who lives in a town called..." He trails off and looks me over. "I'll just write it down for you."

He writes down on a scrap of paper the name of the town. I try to read it out loud but it's impossible. It's over 10 letters long and there are only two vowels.

"Eh, that's Welsh for you." Kyle chuckles. "Just make sure you don't do anything to get her in trouble. She's in a delicate position."

I pull out my phone and immediately start to book my flight to Britain.

"Your tears have dried up mighty fast now that you have got what you wanted," Kyle says giving me the side eye. "If I didn't know any better, I would say that you learned a trick or two of Catherine."

I can't help but smile. "Turns out girls are for more than just fucking!"

Kyle laughs. "I know. I told you that myself but you never believed me."

I shrug. "It took someone special to help me realize that."

Kyle rolls his eyes. "Aye, and a pair of long legs wrapped around you sure helped with the lesson."

"Can you give me a lift to the airport?" I asked him.

"Sure, so long as you don't turn on the waterworks."

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