Who is that

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Hello a little note here
I'm also fully aware that Zuko didn't join the gaang when they were in the earth kingdom I just messed with the original plot a little for that cause I'm all honesty I like sumos character development a lot along with Sokkas. So I just wanted include him in Thai from the start. I hope that is okay.
Y/hL means your hair length and y/hc means your hair color
Also this is now Sokkas pov
Sokkas pov
I was walking back to camp from getting firewood, when I come across someone, just laying in the middle of the woods. I went closer to the body and then I Realized it was a girl, a pretty one at that. As I walk closer she wakes up and she looked confused "miss, are you okay" she looked around again checking her surrounding still confused "yeah I'm ok,wait can u tell me who you are and where I am?" I smile at her and offer my hand to help her up "I'm sokka, sokka Water Tribe, and you would be be in the woods,so may I ask your name?" She smiled politely and took my hand and stood up " y/n y/l" she looked around again as I was just about to offer to take her to the next earth kingdom town  she fainted luckily I caught her before her head hit the ground I dropped the sticks and started walking to mine and the Gaangs camp, I don't know why I didn't take her to a town or why I felt sense of responsibility towards her. I continued walking till I saw the flicker of a camp fire. I walk up further and look around till Zuko stood up and walked over "SOKKA WHOS THAT AND WHERES THE WOOD" I stood completely annoyed at that point " ohh you know Zuko I did have wood and then I seen this girls body and figured we could just burn that" I say as I roll my eyes "really sokka, was the sarcasm really necessary" "whatever and to answer your question her name y/n, and to answer your other question I dropped it to catch her anymore questions?" He shook his head no "ok, do you know where Katara is?" "No I think her and Aang went to find food and should be back in the morning why? (To clarify they went into the furthest town for there market and it's a days walk) "ok, I guess I'm going to have to use the little knowledge I have about medical stuff" I mean I wasn't horrible at it I could administer basic first aid I know CPR but I can't attend to her if something is seriously wrong. I go over and lay her down next to Appa grabbing mine and Kataras sleeping bags laying Kataras down and covering her up with mine. I look down at her face and moved her y/hL y/hc out of her face she looked so perfect and peaceful. I peel my eyes away from her face and walked back to sit with Zuko as o was walking always MoMo flew over and decided he wanted attention.
Time skip to when she wakes up
I walked back to Appa to go check on y/n  
. Once I'm close to her I see she's awake  "sorry did I wake you" "no,no you didn't" she smiled weekly at me I smiled back at her. "What happened?" "Well what's the last thing you remember?" "Umm..... I guess talking to you" "well that makes my job easier"I chuckled.
"Well after we stoped talking for a minute you were looking around, and you stumbled back and before you hit the ground I caught you and brought you back here, so I knew if you were alright" "ohh so not much, well I've wasted to much of your time thank you for taking care of me. I'm going to go-" "WAIT" I yelled as I grabbed her wrist. She turned her head and looked at me confused as to why I stoped her "it's to dark out you'll get lost or hurt I can't let you do that." I just made up the most bullshit excuse in the world cause truth to be honest from the few conversations I've had with her I really like her and didn't want to see her go. The least I can do is stall until Aang and Katara get back. And see if y/n can join the gaang. "Ok" she said after a while. "You can sleep in my tent with me it's to cold out here and the fire is starting to die out" "are you sure" she said with doubt in her voice as she looked up at me that's when I noticed her eyes they were beautiful and you could just get lost in the pools of y/ec. "Positive" (as a covid test I don't have covid just thought it was funny) I grabbed her hand and led her to my tent and left so she could take her day clothes off.
When she was done I came back in already out of mine I got her a blanket and laid it out and gave her second one to cover up with (the reason I'm not making him stare at her is cause sokka already drank his respect for women juice🧃we also love respectfulness ) she thanked me as she laid down and pulled the cover over her I laid down on the otherside of the tent and did the same while turning off the lantern. "No problem, Good night" "Goodnight"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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