freaky friday. kinda... (sciles)

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When Scott wakes up he knows immediately that he’s human again. He hasn’t been human since he was sixteen, so when he sits up slowly, flexing his fingers and his toes, he also has another sinking realization—

He’s in Stiles’ body.

"Fuuuuuck,” he groans.

The sheriff pokes his head in the room, eyebrows shooting up.

"Still hungover?"

"You… you could say that," Scott says with Stiles’ voice.

"C’mon, I’ll make you something good and greasy."

Scott winds up having a mild panic attack, rips a pair of Stiles’ boxers, and proceeds to trip down half the stairs, because what the fuck are Stiles’ legs?

"I’m not even going to ask," the sheriff says.

Scott’s grateful, and he—they—really need to figure this out, before Stiles does something stupid with his new wolf powers.


Stiles should be riding the high of just turning twenty-one last night, but instead he’s lying in Scott’s bed, staring at all the pillows he clawed apart in his sleep.

"Fuck!" He yells, and it isn’t his voice, and it’s so, so weird.

Melissa McCall comes running up the stairs, bursting in the room brandishing a knife.

"What is it?"

"Mel—Mom! It’s nothing. I just—"

"You murdered all your pillows," she says, walking over to the bed, giving him an odd look. "You haven’t done that in… years."

Stiles grimaces, sliding out of bed.

"I’m gonna… take a shower, and stuff."

Melissa eyes him warily.

"Breakfast will be ready when you’re done," she says, disappearing out of the room with her knife.

Stiles ends up pulling the shower head out of the wall, a waterfall of water hitting him in the face as he screams.

Melissa calls a neighbor, who happens to be a plumber, and Stiles sits dejected at the McCalls kitchen table, staring at his bent fork and spoon, eating his eggs with his fingers.

"I have to go to work, but later? You’re explaining whatever it is that’s going on, no ifs, ands, or buts. Got it?"

Stiles nods fast, and he can smell the underlying worry and panic, he assumes, under the overwhelming cucumber melon wafting in the air around Melissa. (And wow, he never realized how nice Scott’s mom smelled until now, and wow, he wants to forget that for the next century.)


Stiles decides to run to his house, and it’s the most exhilarating experience of his life next to his very first blowjob. (It was a big deal, okay?)

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