375 25 21


Theresa Young

"DO YOU THINK HE'S put on some fat? Cause Taylor might still be in the gym."

I laugh propping my elbow on the counter between Olivia and me in the ground floor lobby.

"He just returned from his folks' place, it means he enjoyed. I think Ashe is in pretty good shape, we don't need to fret.

And tonight we're going to shoot the first podcast stream so, don't forget to page-" 

Shaking my head in amusement, I casually turn to the side where my eyes fall on a tall figure standing by the door, looking straight at me and my words choke inside my throat. 

For a second, disorientation and shock overflow inside me and a stabbing pain of nostalgia shakes my world. 

"Do you need five?" 

"Give me ten, Olivia. I'll be right back." 

Without even taking my eyes off him, I walk, in a trance, pulled to him like a firefly.

The same eyes, though behind glasses, the same hair, the same beautiful hands- though there's a fine difference in his face, in the lines of his forehead, his pronounced cheek bones and the soft firmness of his lips in place.

Its maturity I'm guessing; though he probably always had that anyway. 

As I near him, I get a strange rush of happiness of reunion, a reminiscence of all those feelings I had felt with him. By the time I'm standing in front of him, I'm aware of teary eyes and an inexplicable smile on my lips. 

He stands on guard. 

"You look old." I say, breaking the ice. 

He relaxes and mirrors my tiny smile, soft warmth flushing his face. "Do I?" 

I blink rapidly and sniff, trying to get myself together, so I can make conversation. 

"What brings you here--- Trevor?" 

He purses his lips and tilts his face to the side, looking at me. 

"I just wanted to see how you're doing." 

"Five years too late for that." It just comes out. 

Its like my mind is so tuned to responses that it has taken over the control completely.

I am seeing Trevor after years and even though I have good reason to hold grudges, my subconscious mind just looked at the long lost friend I had missed like a part of me. It suddenly strikes me if this is how it will be when its Lily's turn. 

The need to just- forget everything and throw my arms around them.

You don't have to be so hard on yourself, its okay if you missed us.

"I heard you got in an ac-cident a few months back, anything major?" He tries to hide the hurt and concern flashing on his face. 

"I survived. I seem to have a knack for surviving. Some angels up there hate me too much to kill me." I joke, with a sardonic chuckle. 

"I'll remember to send them a tip." 

I take a break, handing my planner to Sara so that work is not hindered and walk a while with Trevor as he tells me about the different artists he met in Australia after graduation, small funny anecdotes and their weird habits.

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