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pov felix

when I got up this morning I was feeling really good. I really liked chan and I felt like he liked me too.. I felt all giddy when I sat on his lap and his words really touched me. I got up from my spontanious bed and made my way to the kitchen. minho was already at work and chan seemed to be still asleep.

I wanted to make some pancakes and was quickly joined by changbin who seemed pretty excited about it. "ahh can you show me?? I haven't eaten pancakes in sooo long!" I nodded excitedly. he kinda looked like a child that just got his favorite candy and was obviously just as hyped for them as I was.

not wanting to wait any longer we looked for the right ingrediences and actually found some flour in the back on a cabinet. it was quite surprising since changbin said he couldn't remember any of them baking ever. it was probably from the people that lived here prior and left it.

in any way, we had everything we needed together and debated if we wanted to put chocolate or bananas in them. we finally decided for both and finally got to our craft. I showed him how to make the dough and he was actually not that bad at it. it was a lot of fun and we even made some for chan and minho to eat.

as we finished and cleaned up a little, we sat down on the kitchen counter and let our legs whiggle since we were both pretty small while eating the treats we had made.

"yeah and then he dumped this girl because one of our cats had a sprained ankle!" I laughed thinking back to some years ago. changbin giggled beside me enjoying the stories about his normally pretty closed off roommate.

after making so many pancakes and laughing alot I grew tired and let my head fall onto changbins shoulder. but not so long after we heard someone clearing their throat and I shot back up. "what are you two doing here?" chan said with his raspy morning voice and I could feel the goosebumps on my whole body.

"w-we made pancakes and there are some for you too.." I said as I shyly played with my fingers in my lap. "you got up on the wrong side of the bed today, hyung?" changbin laughed as he jumped down from the counter and patted his shoulder, probably not suspecting anything as he walked to his room. "I don't like it when you're close to others.." I nodded getting lost in his eyes. "y-yes" "you're mine.."

a smile made it's way onto his face as he walked over to me and layed his hands on my thights, now standing between them. "you said you made pancakes for me?" "yea!" I really like his smile. his dimples looked so cute whenever he did.

I got some of the left pancakes and looked down at him. "open up!" I smiled and he obeyed my request, opening his mouth so I could feed him the sweet breakfast. "oh they're delicious, baby! you did so well!"

I was glad he liked them and blushed a little at his praise. sadly this moment was inturrupted when we heard minho come back. I pouted a little when chan made some space between us but got a kiss on the forehead as an apology.

"hey hyung, how was work?" I asked as he entered the kitchen and got big eyes when he saw the pancakes. "ah, exhausting, your pancakes are just what I need right now." my brother sighed as he sat down at the kichen table. "would you like to go to the han river tonight?" he asked now and I agreed happily. I always wanted to go there since I was little.

"yes hyung, I would love that!" I responded and let my legs swing around in excitment. my brother chuckled. "talking about it how is jisung?" he asked now and I felt chan's questioning look on me but ignored it, too happy minho had asked about him. I always suspected my brother to like my bestfriend because let's be honest they were both completly whipped for each other.

"he's good, just as caotic as always." I laughed. "I thought maybe I could take him with me next time i come here." I added a little unsure about what minho would say. he coughed a little and I could see his ears turning red. "yes! I mean yea sure why not I know how much he means to you so yea he's always welcomed" "thanks, hyung!!" I had to make a plan some time to get them together some how..

pov chan

who was that jisung guy, huh? felix' boyfriend or what? I scoffed a little as felix told minho more about this dude.

it was the first time I was glad felix finally left the room.

"is this jisung dude his boyfriend or what??" I let out, sounding way more pissed than I wanted to reveal to my friend who just laughed at me while eating his pancakes.

"as much as I love seeing you suffer, hyung" he mumbled with a mouth full of food. "but no. he's actually his best friend since we were children. he's pretty cute though.. believe me they could never be a couple, more like two crackheads getting on my nerves." he laughed now delivering me from my torment.

"thanks, man"

the day was going really nice and we had even managed to make changbin come with us. felix had looked so cute with his eyes all sparkly as we walked around.

when we saw a bubble tea stand I dragged felix over there and got him a drink. "oh channie, you really don't have to pay!!" he said with his ears all red again. I payed anyways and got the finished beverage from the woman. "see it as a little treat for my baby.." I whispered into his ear before we headed back to the others.

they seemed to be really excited about something. "hyung, we want to go to a bar!!" changbin yelled as he shook my arm and made the other two laugh. and just like that we searched for the nearest bar that looked good.

the three had picked a small table in a corner and I would let felix drag me there. this time I was sitting next to him which I was really happy about. after everyone got drinks it got louder at our table. during a discussion I could suddenly see minho who shot an evil grin at me.

"sooo, felix how are you and hyunjin?" he asked while sipping on his colorful drink, happy about the drama he created.

felix got kinda shy again. who the fuck is this guy now????

it was kinda making me pissed even though I knew that was exactly minho's plan. "hyuuuung you know we're only friends!" he whined before looking at me with an unsure expression. I rolled my eyes at them and wanted to say something to felix as he stood up quickly to 'go to the toilet'.

"aww sulky channie!!" my drunk roommates cooed at me and went to another conversation topic.

10 minutes had passed and the little sunshine still wasn't back. it had me worried. wasn't he feeling good? maybe he drank too much.. I should check on him.

my brother's roommate; a chanlix storyWhere stories live. Discover now