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Blade's POV

"When Valentino was just born, I went on the roof of the hospital for a smoke and before I could go back in, Budar Volkov stopped me.

He said that he'll give me 9 years with my son. 9 years and then I have to go with him. And for those 9 years, the Russian mafia would leave the Italians alone and after I go with them, they'd continue to leave you alone.

And if I refused, he had a sniper on another rooftop aiming at baby Valentino, ready to shoot and kill, then kill Blade.

So, of course, I agreed. 9 years went by and I packed my shit, wrote Valentino a letter then left. Later that same night, they called you and you guys watched some random lady that they made look like me burn to death.

I found out 2 weeks after being taken that I was pregnant again after throwing up for a week straight.

Budar left me alone for those 9 months and allowed me to eat 1 meal a day. 9 months later, Killana was born. Budar abused me for the past 15 years and forced Killana to watch.

He would take me to another room and rape me, even sometimes do it in front of Killana, forcing her to listen while she faced the other way."

Anger bubbled up inside me as I listened to the love of my life speak about her torture. She took a deep, shakey breath before continuing.

"He would whip me and torture me and tie Killana to a chair, forcing her to watch. Sometimes he would shoot me or stab me and put drugs in me to the point that I'm now numb to them.

He told me one day that he's going to keep fucking me until I get pregnant with his baby and have a heir for him. He had a son, Bulee, but he said that Bulee was too much of a coward to be a leader.

I tried convincing him that I was too old to have babies anymore but he knew I was lying and that I still had about 10 years before I was incapable of having kids anymore.

At some point, I found faking a pregnancy a good idea for escape. So I faked being pregnant, bloated myself to seem as if I was gaining weight, etc.

He even trusted me to go to some meetings with him, thinking that I couldn't speak Russian.

He talked about the plan to attack you guys at the ball and I was going to escape at the same time they were attacking you but that plan went down the drain when he tried to punch my damn brains out so instead I killed the whole mafia and caught a flight here."

Everyone stayed silent as she took a few more deep breaths.

"So everyone meet Valentino's little sister, Killana Ramirez."

Everyone's face was in either anger or shock. "You know you shouldn't have been able to survive that right?"

Everyone looked towards to one who spoke, Tyler Cassonova. "Good to see you too Tyler." She rolled her eyes playfully before running and hugging him causing everyone else to get up and begin hugging Dez and Killana.

Killana remained tense Everytime a male hugged her and she wouldn't hug them at all if their wives weren't beside them. They would pat Dez's back and just the smallest touch caused her to flinch.

Their the strongest girls I've met and I couldn't be more proud to be married to one of them and have conceived the other.

Valentino's POV

I walk out of the closet after changing into my PJs and immediately flop on the bed, letting a smile overcome my face.

"Well you seem happy?"

"I got my mom back after thinking she was dead and I have a little sister I never knew existed. They both came back to me alive and I couldn't be happier."

She giggled a small bit before climbing in bed beside me. I spooned her and nuzzled my head in the crook of her neck.

"Nothing could make this moment any better." I whispered in her ear.

But little did I know, something sure could make it worse.


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