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The world in my eyes is like a bowl full of candy.
Let me be more specific.
A giant bowl full of Halloween candy on a Fourth of July night,
surrounded by exploding galaxies
and other activities that we don't know about
thanks to the government.

We all have different wrappers with something different on the inside
but at the end of the day we're all still candy.

As a caramel square,
I have realized that as I came into this world,
I have been seen as many different things
Rather than what I am
So the candy factories have put me into every single bag to find my place
But I have yet to find where I fit in.

As I travel through these bags of "Sweet, sugary delight,"
I have had to fight
To find
Where on the bag does it say "Not candy"

Which made me wonder,
If every single one of these pieces are candy then why are we segregated into different bags?
Why can't the skittles and the M&ms mix like cake batter?
They're both candy.
How come snickers and every other candy bar roll around and melt together like the family they are?
They're all candy.
Why can't Swedish Fish and gummy worms and gummy bears and any other gummy collide as one in the same bag?
They too are all candy!

We all have different wrappers with something different on the inside but at the end of the day we're all still candy.

As I continue on this journey I grow to no longer have a favorite color Sweet Heart on Valentine's because they're not really Sweet hearts like we're all Human Beings but when it comes to all races coming together we are not BEING HUMANS.

having us all come together is great.
It tastes amazing.
But a spoonful too much can cause a riot
And we'll all start choking on our spicy attitudes towards each other.
And our tongues burn, full of hate.
This is called the cinnamon challenge.

We all have different wrappers with something different on the inside but at the end of the day we're all still candy.

But yet we all have sour patch kids calling their peeps "Snickers"
Quicker than a light will flicker
And yes I am using "snickers"
To replace the word "Ni-"

It happens,
Others hear it and taste the bitterness,
But like cotton candy,
It dissolves into nothingness
And I cringe
Slower than the late night closing of a fridge
They don't see how salty this sugar feels on my skin

These words, why are they starting to blend?
People must forget that it still offends.
When will this end?
When? Answer me, people! When?!

We all have different wrappers with something different on the inside but at the end of the day we're all still candy.

And we have yet to realize it.
I pray
Every day
That God will eat
The bitter things that some may feel are sweet
Until we all reach that conclusion
Before time ends
Where in the words of Marina and the Diamonds,
Where we start
Livin La Dolce Vida
Where life can't get much sweeta

Because the world is a giant bowl of Halloween candy on Fourth of July and it's getting older.
We need to learn to love each other before the world is over.

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