You Broke Him

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   Remus woke to his phone ringing at five in the morning. He flopped his arm out of his blankets and hit his phone, sighing in relief when the ringing stopped. Unfortunately, he was only met with something much worse than that.

   "You broke him, you arse!" James Potter's angry voice exploded into the quiet room.

   "Good morning to you too. Honestly, I've surrounded myself with Neanderthals, mind Lily. Has anybody heard of manners?" Remus grumbled, sitting up and putting on his glasses.

   "You don't deserve manners when you destroyed my best mate." Remus smirked at the irritation in his friends voice as he turned the phone's volume down and held it up to his ear.

   "If you're talking about Sirius, it's probably his own fault. I bet he's already downed a pack of any caffeine you have, laid out all of the things he knows about me and the swim team pictures, and has a song about watching birds blasting in his room." He grinned at the silence on the other end of the line. "He's driven himself insane, hasn't he? Tell him to call me, and I'll give him some clues." James grumbled what sounded like 'Fucking Einstein' before hanging up.

   Not even five seconds later, he got a call from 'The Idiot'.

   "'Ello." Remus smiled into the phone. He could hear Birds blasting in the background and Sirius was out of breath.

   "Hi. I heard you're being quite the detective, Sirius Black."

   "Oh gods, your voice is gorgeous." 

   "Yours is... alright I guess." He laughed at the offended gasp he received that was replaced with a sigh.

   "Oh geez, you're laugh is great too." Remus rolled his eyes, even though Sirius couldn't see him.

   "Well, you've never even met me, and we've only been texting for two days now. I think that's where my so called greatness ends." He heard a sigh of frustration come through the phone.

   "What if I know who you are?" Sirius' voice was small and quite. Remus thought about it.

   "Well, I'd probably tell you that you did a good job using your four brain cells and that you have acquired two. If you're right." 

   Sirius was quiet for a minute before he burst out, "You read in the library every Wednesday, and tutor James on Tuesdays and Fridays. You're easily the tallest person in second year, and bloody brilliant too, since you're double majoring. You're best friends with Lily Evans, even though no one knows how you won her over. You stand with your shoulders hunched and curls in your face which I assume is to hide your height and gorgeous scars. You're the best swimmer that I've ever seen, and I'm brothers with Regulus! You're bloody brilliant if I do say so myself, Remus Lupin." 

   Remus grinned. "You really do have brain cells in that insane mind of yours, don't you?"

   "I told you." Sirius' pout was obvious, even without seeing his face, making Remus laugh.

   "Let's try this out. Go to Hogsmeade with me?" The line went completely silent for half a minute before James' voice came through, excited screaming in the background.

   "You broke him again, Rem. Now I've got to deal with this squirrel on crack for the rest of the week." Remus chuckled.

   "That sounds like a you problem, mate. Also, we need to move your Friday tutoring to Thursday."


 A/N: Hello! I wanted to add some James and Remus interactions, so I decided to go in a different layout for this one. 

   I also want to address the two-days-and-a-date thing. I am very aware that they've only been talking to each other for two days, but I have ideas. My compromise was a date. You go on dates to get to know someone better. They're not dating yet, but they will go on a date. 

   I hope you enjoy this chapter.



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